[11 / 6 / ?]
>be me >could literally be doing anything else and still would be putting a better use of my time >instead make /bant/ a better place by posting ponies You can thank me later
i make /bant/ a better place passively
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>>9317382 I'd prefer to thank you now, friend.
>>9317396 i didn't ask, israeli
>Report type >This post violates a rule. >Pony content outside /mlp/ >This post violates United States law.
>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...
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>>9316492 >Uchuu Kazoku Carlvinson 24.jpg (185 KB, 640x480)File: Uchuu Kazoku Carlvinson 24.jpg (185 KB, 640x480) google yandex iqdb wait185 KB JPG Anonymous (ID: ZzqdBvHt) 12/31/19(Tue)09:28:09 No.9316492>>9316511 >>9316882 How do we fix anime, r/banter? >>9316511 >Anonymous (ID: XfufjTFh) 12/31/19(Tue)09:41:20 No.9316511>>9316523 >>93165271558027921057 .jpg (39 KB, 720x405)File: 1558027921057.jpg (39 KB, 720x405) google yandex iqdb wait39 KB JPG>>9316492 (OP) >more of this >>9316523 >Anonymous (ID: LVXnygGk) 12/31/19(Tue)09:49:26 No.9316523>>9316535 >>93168901577605294574 .jpg (15 KB, 246x577)File: 1577605294574.jpg (15 KB, 246x577) google yandex iqdb wait15 KB JPG>>9316511 >.....um.....you do know that didnt work out well the last time for youbguys, right? >>9316527 >Anonymous (ID: ZzqdBvHt) 12/31/19(Tue)09:50:44 No.9316527Mou Daremo Aisenai Remix 38.jpg (492 KB, 843x1200)File: Mou Daremo Aisenai Remix 38.jpg (492 KB, 843x1200) google yandex iqdb wait492 KB JPG>>9316511 >and this >>9316535 >Anonymous (ID: XfufjTFh) 12/31/19(Tue)09:56:56 No.9316535>>93168901457201793447 .jpg (59 KB, 1280x720)File: 1457201793447.jpg (59 KB, 1280x720) google yandex iqdb wait59 KB JPG>>9316523 >Don't worry, anon, it will this time! >>9316815 >Anonymous (ID: EKVhEnZN) 12/31/19(Tue)11:44:08 No.9316815>>93168191577708169001 .jpg (83 KB, 1280x720)File: 1577708169001.jpg (83 KB, 1280x720) google yandex iqdb wait83 KB JPGby raping the seal before you club it to death >>9317391 >Anonymous (ID: ZzqdBvHt) 12/31/19(Tue)14:06:01 No.931739130879.jpg (302 KB, 1234x1000)File: 30879.jpg (302 KB, 1234x1000) google yandex iqdb wait302 KB JPGhot Yin
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>>9317457 >Yin (ID: F4BUVsh/) 12/31/19(Tue)14:20:54 No.9317457>Report type >>This post violates a rule. >>Pony content outside /mlp/ >>This post violates United States law. >>9317458 >Yin (ID: F4BUVsh/) 12/31/19(Tue)14:21:29 No.9317458>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds... Yin
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>>9317457 >Yin (ID: F4BUVsh/) 12/31/19(Tue)14:20:54 No.9317457>Report type >>This post violates a rule. >>Pony content outside /mlp/ >>This post violates United States law. >>9317458 >Yin (ID: F4BUVsh/) 12/31/19(Tue)14:21:29 No.9317458>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds... Yin
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>>9317457 >Yin (ID: F4BUVsh/) 12/31/19(Tue)14:20:54 No.9317457>Report type >>This post violates a rule. >>Pony content outside /mlp/ >>This post violates United States law. >>9317458 >Yin (ID: F4BUVsh/) 12/31/19(Tue)14:21:29 No.9317458>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds... Anonymous
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>>9317457 >>9317458 Coping discord nigger detected
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>>9317457 Subscribed and absolutely based.