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ID:a0AqB/Or No.9325171 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Item #: SCP-001-BANT

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-001-BANT is to be contained in a Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Cell. No less than two (2) armed guards must be present at all times. The subject must not be allowed any devices with internet connection.

Description: SCP-001-BANT appears to be a male human of [REDACTED] ethnicity in his late teens, of average height and weight. He speaks English language modified in an unusual way. He was originally retrieved from [REDACTED], New York, after several reports about unexplained deaths.
On the first look, SCP-001-BANT doesn't seem to exhibit any anomalous properties. However, after looking at subject's face, whether it be directly, via video recording, or a photograph, the person who saw it will begin to experience gastrointestinal distress. Roughly 5 minutes later, the person will lose all control over their anal sphincter muscles and defecate violently. This defecation can lead to death by dehydration even 10 minutes after exposure if not treated fast enough. Because of this, no personnel should be looking at subject's face at any times. SCP-001-BANT experiences great joy in causing this effect in humans, even going to such lenghts as distributing photos of his face over the internet. These photos have been classified as SCP-001-BANT-1 to SCP-001-BANT-23 and the Foundation is making effort to contain them. However, there is a suspition that the amount of these photos is much bigger. Further effort should be made to ensure that they get removed from the internet. Attached picture is the highest resolution a photo can have without exhibiting anomalous properties.
During his containment, the subject has requested several items, such as diapers (granted), used diapers (denied) and [REDACTED] (denied).