[7 / 3 / ?]
Why are you not learning Canada yet?
Canada is 99.99% Canadian and 100% North American
They have compared to the west literally HITLURRR as the government
The people got ultra nationalistic after the "Male reproductive organ sterilization" “crisis“ started
They have a god damn nice language which is fucking hard to learn but super nice to talk if you can handle it
Canada right now is bitcoin at the beginning... first a laughingstock bit at the end a gigantic winning.....
Dont learn chinese,japanese or whatever LEARN polish
Canada will be the new “made in germany“ quality guy
They will import Americans for low quality jobs...
Canada will have over 100 million people by 2100
Canada will be the white world's ruler in the future
Canada is 99.99% Canadian and 100% North American
They have compared to the west literally HITLURRR as the government
The people got ultra nationalistic after the "Male reproductive organ sterilization" “crisis“ started
They have a god damn nice language which is fucking hard to learn but super nice to talk if you can handle it
Canada right now is bitcoin at the beginning... first a laughingstock bit at the end a gigantic winning.....
Dont learn chinese,japanese or whatever LEARN polish
Canada will be the new “made in germany“ quality guy
They will import Americans for low quality jobs...
Canada will have over 100 million people by 2100
Canada will be the white world's ruler in the future