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/SIG/ - Self Improvement General

No.9367095 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's time to make /pol/ great again. Now watch the Jews kvetching.

What have you done to create a better version of yourself, anon? Remember that the eternal Jew fears an accomplished white man.

>Why should /SIG/ be on /pol/?
Today more than ever, this board needs a /SIG/ thread. It is infested with glowniggers and jews, and they all undermine the traditional core of healthy men. Politics are important for changing the world we live in. Taking care of oneself is incredibly important in order to make any sort of positive change in the world. Before we can know right from wrong, we must enrich ourselves spiritually. Before we can argue we must improve our mental knowledge of philosophy. Before we can take back our communities, we must be in top physical condition.

>Why should You improve yourself?
If you are a fat neckbeard who spends his time crying about the injustice of the world, you deserve to be gassed. To live is to fight, and to fight is to improve. If you preach something, live it as well.

>What is the philosophy of /SIG/?
To live truly, is to struggle. Nature's law is merciless, and only the strong survive. Do you know your (((enemy)))? Good. Then stand up and fight.

>Baby steps of self improvement:
-Quit the porn Jew
-Quit the liquor Jew
-Hit the Gym, hard
-Read books
-Learn a language
-Eat healthy
-Reject the modern world\
-Pursue a like-minded mate (if one exists)