>>9372851oh oh i know this answer
since we have laser weaponry now that can burn holes in drones you might be wondering "so how do they work on humans?" the answer is "shittily"
lasers work by imparting a bunch of energy into something, which heats it up and sets it on fire/melts it. metal takes a lot of heat to melt but it is also a good conductor so you can elevate its temperature quickly (consider a metal shed during daylight, it heats up because it's getting hit with radiation all day)
however, humans are mostly water, which not only is a bitch to heat up compared to most other materials, but the fluidity of our systems means we dissipate the heat throughout ourselves very well (consider how bodies of water stay cool even in daylight)
a focused, strong laser might give someone burns after a few seconds, but that's nothing compared to the damage a bullet can do. you can blind someone since your retinas are sensitive to light, but you can do that with a laser pointer and not a giant weapon