[19 / 8 / ?]
>What do you mean jews are smart? They just control everything we have but they aren't smart at all! They own banks, hospitals, art galleries, social platforms, factories, restaurants, the industry and the economy, but that's not being smart!
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i guess they have a lot of booksmarts huh...
I mean, why does it matter? Like serious question. What difference does it make if a christian/white guy owned it?
>>9378773 Absolutely nothing. As we all know, being higher on the social ladder means nothing, hence all humans never struggle to get there.
>>9378773 He wouldn't use these assets to destroy his host nation from within
phoneposter (the burger king) (muttgangleader)
phoneposter (the burger king) (muttgangleader) ID:dSlwDhUe Mon 13 Jan 2020 18:30:42 No. 9378929 Report THIS IS NOW A YONKERS THREAD
phoneposter (the burger king) (muttgangleader)
phoneposter (the burger king) (muttgangleader) ID:dSlwDhUe Mon 13 Jan 2020 18:33:01 No. 9378939 Report >>9378929 did... did somebody say YONKERS THREAD???? :O
phoneposter (the burger king) (muttgangleader)
phoneposter (the burger king) (muttgangleader) ID:dSlwDhUe Mon 13 Jan 2020 18:33:43 No. 9378943 Report >>9378939 REAL YONK POSTING HOURS
phoneposter (the burger king) (muttgangleader)
phoneposter (the burger king) (muttgangleader) ID:dSlwDhUe Mon 13 Jan 2020 18:34:55 No. 9378951 Report >>9378943 uhhh, eyEAHH? duhhh!!!!
phoneposter (the burger king) (muttgangleader)
phoneposter (the burger king) (muttgangleader) ID:dSlwDhUe Mon 13 Jan 2020 18:36:38 No. 9378960 Report >>9378951 WELL WHY DIDNT YOU SAY SO YOU STUPOD NIQQER!!???!! XDDDDD
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>>9378953 Look at this Juden cope lol
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>>9378024 You'd be amazed how many Irish hold prominent positions in the financial world, not to mention Muslim oil barons. The Jew thing circa 2020 is more of a Muslim deflection thing. Don't pay attention to us as we fuck your kids, blow up your streets and churches, look at the Jews! THE JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZ!
phoneposter (the burger king) (muttgangleader)
phoneposter (the burger king) (muttgangleader) ID:dSlwDhUe Mon 13 Jan 2020 18:39:24 No. 9378971 Report Quoted By:
>>9378960 I JSUT SAID IT YOU RETARDED FAT KIKE !!!!! X)))))))
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>>9378024 cope harder kike
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>>9378953 Lol you're just mad that your last kikethread got YONKED lolololol
Definitely Not Skeeter
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Stop yonking. Start honking! HONK HONK!!!
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no one ever said jews are dumb italian dipship eat your mussolini piccolini and kys