>>9389962I feel for the guy. Black men are quite nationalistic, they resist global homo in some respects, but are swarmed by it in others. I think maybe those who say that whites are held up higher in America may have a point, in advertising, and media in general, that's because alot of the country is white, those people have money, so they appeal to that.
I think black women who chase white men see it as a status symbol, like they are going up in the world, as if black men arn't capable of loving or being decent. Mohammed had the same problem, his daughters went off and married white.
I think it's a status thing, not alot of blacks are at the financial status, or social status even as whites. (yet) despite the media trying to lift them up, and what do they lift them up as? Gangsters, rappers, etc.. not exactly solid stuff is it?