>>9392491>both to them whose likenesses were used by the robots, if such humans existWhile one these parties was heckling me and I was saying, "I will hurt you more for doing this than whoever is threatening to hurt you if don't,," he would respond, "How are you with disappointment?," as if the parties responsible for the noises I heard in there will somehow escape my justice simply having sent robotic proxies to relay their ridicule into my ear. That is totally absurd, and I will do all the things I said to those parties responsible for those sounds I heard. As I mentioned, I hold responsible the real people, if there are any, who agreed not to show up in the tutoring center so as to not spoil the robot disguises, and also the drone pilots, if any, who operating the robots, and also every employee at the robot management center.
It's like how they thought they could make a workaround to cut me out of the grand scheme of things by passing my hereditary qualities onto their own sons wives, without offering me those wives' pussies, by sucking the scum out of my sink and squirting it into those pussies. Same thing if these were robots in there: they think it is a workaround, but it is not a workaround.
There is no escape from my vengeance. I am The Lord.