Tenshi No Bokura is suggested reading, if you have the time.
If you’re new to arume survival threads, please read the rules and lurk a bit before posting.
Whenever you make a decisive action, you roll with the last two digits of your post number, reversed. For example, if your post number is xxxx17, then your roll was actually 71. Rolling a 01 is a critical failure, and a 98 is a great success. Getting dubs of any kind (including 00) results in a critical success, and trips+ will be act as extremely lucky successes.
(i won't always rely on rolls, mostly to get the game moving along faster if needed)
Any debates or arguments between anons will be settled between themselves or by voting.
You must pick a character name, and try to remember to include it in each post so that nobody gets confused.
(the average resistance member will be more powerful than the average arume, because the arume have a whole army behind them, so this is to make it more fair)
Background: The Arume have invaded Earth, and have found great success in conquering humanity. Pockets of resistance remain scattered throughout the globe. The Arume are a highly advanced all-female race and will stop at nothing to defeat mankind. They are also lesbians.
It has been three months since humanity’s subjugation. Some human resistance forces have established a base in the empty ruins of a small coastal city, but they are not alone…
Quoted By:
Red is the location of the current resistance base. green is where the destroyed arume base is. I’ve labelled some points of interest as well. More information will be added in later threads, should you uncover anything. Your starting equipment will be determined by your first roll in this thread, so make it count. Each anon will start in the resistance base for this thread.
Arume survival episode 1>resistance consists of 20 soldiers, a few nurses, and a cook >our old leader died >we currently don’t have a leader >but we all report to some commander through the radio >we don’t know who it is, but he has a cool deep voice >he has led us to many victories, with his cunning tactics and intel >liquid anon and dan go arume hunting for some reason >they kill 4 arume out of 8 and come back alive >commander promotes liquid to sergeant and dan to corporal >because 1 of the 4 dead arume was a high ranking official >liquid is the new leader >find out we have a mole in our resistance >find out it’s the nurse >dan found this nurse unconscious, a month back while he was scouting >nurse tries to kill liquid >nurse is tied up, and forgets everything that happened, or at least pretends to >dan convinces everyone to keep her alive Episode 2>scouts are spotted near the base >dan and jeremy kill and capture them >they see someone is trying to contact the arume scouts through their radio >jeremy tries to impersonate the arume >notice the voice on the radio is a male’s voice >henry went on out to get some supplies >he finds some supplies, a dead resistance guy and some dead arume >he finds a blue vial on one of the dead arume >nobody knows what it's for >commander gives info on an arume base that used to be a gated neighborhood >dan comes up with a plan to destroy it >everyone tries to interrogate one of the captured arume >find carbon monoxide is also poisonous to arume >find out that they can get an engineer to re program arume guns for humans to use >the plan is to use carbon monoxide to flush out the arume >and find a engineer amongst the arume at the base
>>939644 Episode 3
>everyone helps to dig tunnels, used for easy movement around the map >dan makes some cool armor that repels plasma, and a lightning gun >while jeremy is digging in the tunnels he finds the sewers >now the resistance can use the sewers to travel around easier >henry finds a military surplus store, and inside an old vet >the vet gives henry some supplies, including night vision goggles, O2 tanks, and more >the vet offers to train the resistance soldiers >jeremy overlooks the arume base with his sniper from a distance >he makes a map of the base >the base has around 35 arume soldiers >we won the arume base and captured an arume engineer >we took in 4 prisoners not including the engineer >the resistance only lost 5 men thanks to dan’s intricate plan >liquid gives info that the commander will be arriving at the base shortly, with some of his men Episode 4
>jeremy meets a guy named foster, and he wants to be a sniper like jeremy >jeremy decides to take him to the old vet at the surplus store for training >the commander finally arrives, along with ten men >to everyone's surprise the commander is an arume >the soldier are uneasy that the commander is an arume Master
>>939651 Episode 5
>jeremy takes foster to bill (the old vet) >bill gives him a sniper >bill trains both jeremy and foster the next day >frog doesn’t trust the commander >the commander takes a liking to frog the next day… for reasons >the commander and dan decide on a plan >dan will become a double agent, and pretend to betray the resistance >the commander has friends on the inside that can help dan >the resistance are currently coming up with the details of the plan Episode 6
>jeremy, frog, and foster go to get some dead bodies for the operation >they are going to set them up in a fake resistance base, and torch it so it looks like dan betrayed the resistance >they find a warehouse that will be used as the fake resistance base >frog goes into the commander's room to look for some dirt on her >and he steals a microwave that he found in her closet for some reason >the commander gets mad and calls a meeting >the commander is arguing with frog >meanwhile dan goes outside with his ACD and finds a signal https://discord dot gg/g7FpJW4
also we can use this discord for knowing when arume threads are up
smug Loli
smug Loli
Corporal Frog
Henry Gabber
>>939700 Checked
Also reporting in
Also it is me who is outside with the ACD
Jeremy Gigglebert
Corporal Frog
>>939740 Do you miss your glasses, too?
>>939682 28
you get a revolver, it's kinda powerful
>>939724 >>939727 >>939740 alright let's begin
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>939782 Give back Jeremy's glasses!!
>>939727 you gotta get closer to the signal
>ACD let's you listen to what they're saying right? Master
>>939782 you were arguing with the commander
commander: "listen i know you have the microwave... just give it back and we'll forget this ever happened"
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>939819 It's late, right?
>Goes to his bed and gets some shut-eye Henry Gabber
>>939802 > It was meant to link up to wireless stuff cuz you described the guns as sending packets to a home server. So I could tap into any internet messages or be aware of any online devices in some area. Radio communication would still not be available to me tho. So yes? But only if I'm close enough. > Try to approach signal stealthy like. smug Loli
>>939786 wait, didn't arumes turned men into different kind of women?
>>939837 73
"you can start to make out what they're saying now."
>>939834 your sleep is interrupted by foster
"are you sleeping? do you think we should tell the commander what really happened?"
>>939865 yes
>>939881 oops no quotes for henry's thing
Corporal Frog
>>939801 I was just trying them on, sheesh.
>>939819 "H-haha... what would you even need a microwave for a-anyways?"
>>939865 different thread, separate canon
>>939894 49
"so you don't even deny it! just give it back. i can't tell you what it's for!"
the commander is losing patients
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>939881 >Sits up "Well, I'm sure that idiot can't hide the microwave forever. Did anyone find anything suspicious in the commander's room?"
>Jeremy is unaware that she's talking to Frog in there atm cuz he walked off Master
smug Loli
>>939886 so, are there like, civilians in the city?
>>939916 "they didn't search it yet. they shouldn't have to, she's the commander for christ sake"
Quoted By:
>>939925 who the arume? no... well not in this city anyways, this is pretty much resistance territory now
Henry Gabber
>>939881 > listens intently > Also have we lost the blue mystery vial if Dan has it and doesn't return? Jeremy Gigglebert
>>939930 "I know but Frog has half the men doubting her. What's keeping them from searching it anyway? Didn't she say they could?"
>Gets up Corporal Frog
>>939914 "I... I didn't say that..." I try to make her seem like she's too angry.
smug Loli
>>939930 Walks towards the beach, revolver at my side, ready for anything...
>>939949 94
"yes.. we have the target locked in..... he's by himself..."
>>939955 dubs
she tries to calm down
"okay whatever we'll deal with this in the morning"
>>939985 >are you sure? you alreay spawn at the base smug Loli
>>940016 Yes, imma see if i can find something useful, maybe drama
pd: do i get a radio or something?
>>940016 "Okay... g-goodnight..."
I leave and go to my quarters, and then check on the microwave.
>>940039 yeah you can radio your teamates
while you're walking you spot henry. he is also out at night looking for shit.
>>940043 the microwave is in bad shape. it looks like a piece fell off from the back
Corporal Frog
>>940086 I try to put it back together, maybe fix it...
>>940039 give me source fren
smug Loli
>>940073 I get out of base, and head towards the beach, scouting anything that can be of use
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>939950 >>940073 >Looks confused as Foster simply stares into space "I'm sure it's no worry."
>Sits back on the bed "We should get some rest ready for our next session with Bill."
>Lies down and goes to sleep Henry Gabber
>>940016 > 'He's by himself' > Prepare internally for death > Turn around and try to acquire target > Fire smug Loli
smug Loli
Jim Clark
What would be the best way to join this?
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>940090 09
no luck my friend.
>>940096 69
sadly there isn't much supplies at the beach. you find nothing
>>940100 wasted dubs
you don't even know where they are yet
>>940132 23 you spawn with a shitty pistol
it's night time at the base and mostly everyone is sleeping now. i suggest you wait till morning to start making your moves
>>940103 I've already come to terms with it. Do you have source for it fren?
>>940097 we can fast forward to morning when henry and smug loli go to sleep
Jim Clark
Quoted By:
>>940156 >Go to sleep reading a book Anonymous
>>940156 > On all of the edges > Listen to hear if they are mocking me > Then slowly make my way back to base to sleep. smug Loli
>>940188 dubs
you start to make your way back to base safely but the signal keeps following you
Henry Gabber
>>940188 > All the wasted dubs > Can't wait to not get these later Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 01:57:39 No. 940204 Report >A crazy motherfucker approaches the resistance base >He's completely naked, and black as charcoal >The percentile of my roll is the length of my dick
Jeremy Gigglebert
Henry Gabber
smug Loli
>>940173 so, im still in the base then¿?
Quoted By:
>>940223 yeah henry is the only one out of the base
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 01:59:27 No. 940229 Report >A crazy motherfucker approaches the resistance base >He's completely naked, and black as charcoal >The percentile of my roll is the length of my dick (in inches)
>>940204 liquid? nigga is that you?
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:00:20 No. 940239 Report >>940232 Yep, I'm just doing this character until he dies
>>940229 why'd you post the same thing again? i'm going to use the first post just to mess with you!
below average
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:02:52 No. 940268 Report >>940243 >Well, shit. Rolling for timberland quality and weapon Jeremy Gigglebert
>>940239 >>940243 >Is woken up by the loud nigger "What the fuck?"
>Goes outside and sees Tyrone "Oh shit! We got a wild negro on the loose!"
>Grap sniper and try to kill it before it spreads degeneracy smug Loli
>>940229 so, tyrone is still a thing?
>>940213 you can continue going back to base with the signal following or you can stop and do something else
Henry Gabber
>>940204 > Hey liquid. >>940199 > Can I still hear the signal? > If I can as I get closer to the base > I divert and find a position to hold out > ain't given up my comrades location if I fucked up. Henry Gabber
>>940272 > Yeah, I don't want to lead them to my friends... That's probably not cool. I'll try to hole up and hide out. Undercover somewhere? smug Loli
>>940271 The loli goes to sleep.
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:05:32 No. 940292 Report >>940270 >unzips nigga skills and dodges the bullet better than I dodge child support Jeremy Gigglebert
>>940288 Henry and his never ending luck...
>>940268 86
you get gold teeth, a glock and saggin pants
>>940270 07
your gun shot sends the whole base into panick! the commander is already pissed!
>>940288 >>940279 i'll use your dubs for once
you run into one of the sniper's nests built by the resistance.
smug Loli
Quoted By:
>>940291 replied to the wrong post
>>940272 Henry Gabber
>>940299 > You have it too > Just gotta use it Master
>>940292 29
jeremy is a master sniper but since he got a low
it hits your below average dick
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>940292 >>940306 "Everyone we have a situation! There's a wild black man on the loose!"
*Puts on shades*
"This time I won't miss!"
>Fire on Tyrone again Anonymous
smug Loli
Quoted By:
>>940306 Rushes to the entrance
"What the fuck happened?! Are we under attack?!"
Quoted By:
>>940325 52
oh shit
tyron needs to roll over 85 to dodge!
Henry Gabber
>>940311 > Fucking dammit >>940306 > Hide in it! > Shoulder rifle > Watch cautiously > Listen to ACD > Try not to fall asleep Jeremy Gigglebert
Quoted By:
>>940311 Please teach me your ways.
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:09:47 No. 940336 Report >>940321 >sheeeeeit >rolling for regrowing dick, but this time above average >>940325 >Shoots Jeremy "Sheeeit nigga this B a thot enabler, deadass!"
>Rolls out of the way Jim Clark
>>940306 >Awoken by the sound >Put on some pants and rush outside with my shit pistol Jeremy Gigglebert
>>940333 NAH FUCK YOU. You aren't human
>>940196 Found it: [BeNantoka] Bitch Eisai Kyouiku | Gifted Bitch Education (COMIC LO 2015-05) [English] {5 a.m.} Page 21
smug Loli
Quoted By:
>>940351 here, you deserve it
Henry Gabber
Jeremy Gigglebert
Henry Gabber
smug Loli
>>940366 You are the chosen one
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>940333 TRIPS!
the arume accidently show themselves. theres three of them. they don't know your there! but they are elite arume. this is now resistance territory and they start taking the resistance seriously. so they have to send out the big guns now.
>>940336 dick doesn't grow back
since you rolled higher than jeremy you get still get hit... but it only grazed you.
you don't hit him back because you just have a shitty pistol, and you hold it sideways. and jeremy has a sniper.
>>940337 you see a dickless naked black man hold his pistol sideways trying to shoot at jeremy
Henry Gabber
Quoted By:
>>940375 >>940376 >>940378 > It's over, for now > Also so many wasted dubs Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:16:51 No. 940399 Report >>940385 >Get under cover and pop a cap in that nigga Jeremy's ass Jim Clark
>>940385 >Try to sneak to the side of the man and tackle him smug Loli
>>940385 *attempt to shoot the black man*
"You won't damage another innocent in this timeline, Tyrone!"
smug Loli
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:18:38 No. 940419 Report >>940405 >Uses nigger strength to punch you out of the way >>940412 >Rolls out of the way Jeremy Gigglebert
>>940399 >Ofc you get dubs >Try to get to cover >Return fire Henry Gabber
>>940385 > These are the ones I pretty much can't kill right? > Like their armor is thicker than my weapon can pierce? Henry Gabber
>>940428 > Also do I have anyway to contact my fellows? > Even if they are doing nothing but shitting about right now? Corporal Frog
>>940385 I wake up, and stash the microwave in my backpack. I try to sneak out of my room without the commander or her men noticing...
Jeremy Gigglebert
Quoted By:
>>940440 >Shitting about >It's a code red nibba attack c'mon Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:21:29 No. 940449 Report >>940443 >34 Just one off, press F to pay respects
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:23:38 No. 940468 Report >>940412 >Attempts to call upon white guilt "Sheeeeit, dis whitey fukin shot muh dik nigga, I dindu nuffins my B deadass, we wuz kangz n sheeeit. Nevah fo'get da slavery mang"
>>940399 you luckily hit his ass
>>940405 50
after he shot jeremy you tackle the naked black man. you two are now wrestling!
oh shit! you accidentally hit jim in the shoulder while they were wrestling
>>940419 91
the shot luckily didn't hit you. and you hit that nigga hard
>>940426 you hit that nigga in his elbow
>>940428 >>940440 you can contact them, or could wait it out or, or attack them.
(reminder that the average resistance member is slightly stronger than the average arume. you are more than average so these arume are like three of yous)
>>940443 34
you fucked up almost as hard as last time
one of the commander's men dimitri notices you.
"hey! where are you going!?"
>>940468 the females at the base sympathize with you, not the men
Jim Clark
>>940419 >Fall on the ground >Pull out pistol and try to shoot the cunt. Come on give me repeating integers
Quoted By:
>>940412 oops
meant to put you here
>>940482 before 21
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:26:24 No. 940498 Report >>940490 >Punches harder, this time in the head to knock the nigga out "SHEEEIT WHYTEBOI"
>>940490 09
your pistol jams
>>940498 89
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:27:51 No. 940513 Report >>940498 >attempts to shoot Jeremy in the head smug Loli
>>940449 Do a quick shot at Tyrone
"Stop this lunacy, Tyrone!"
Jim Clark
>>940482 Disregard
>>940490 >Cry out in agony,but try to put the man in a arm hold. Jeremy Gigglebert
>>940498 >>940506 "He's getting stronger guys! Keep firing!"
>Fire on that nibba some more Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:28:47 No. 940523 Report >>940514 >Rolls out of the way like a matrix nigga >>940516 >Punches harder to knock him out again Henry Gabber
>>940482 > Gonna try to wait it out > See if they give up any intel over the radio > Stealth mode > How far am I from base? Master
>>940513 31
>>940516 61
you got the guy in an armbar from guard (pic related)
>>940520 02 you miss
the commander comes out and yells at you
>>940539 93
the seem lost now. they spit up into three ways to try and find you. keep in mind if you exit now they might still run into you
>you're not that far, but you're not so close that you would give them any hints to where the base is >>940523 nah dude your shot multiple times and jim's jiu jitsu is way superior to your african martial arts.
try and escape or your arm breaks
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:34:36 No. 940584 Report >>940576 >run away like a nigga whom stole some deadass tims Master
>>940584 nah nigga your arm breaks
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>940576 "Get back ma'am! There's a wild nibba over there with saggy pants and a Glock he's trying to kill everyone!"
>Motions to the commander to get back >Fire at tyrone again Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:36:34 No. 940604 Report >>940592 >Yell SHEEEEEIT and try to convince the commander that Jeremy attacked him for no reason Jim Clark
>>940576 >Try to choke him out Corporal Frog
>>940482 >"h-hey there Dmitri! Just going out on patrol!" Master
also new guys make sure to join the discord if you want updates about the threads
>>940599 dubs
"oh shit! is that a sub-Saharan african? i've only seen pictures of them. i heard their dicks were supposed to be bigger though, it looks like nothings there"
>>940604 40
the commander get's a little curious and asks everyone to stop shooting
>>940619 91
you got him in a triangle choke
commander: "okay jim just choke him out then bring him inside and tie him up"
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:40:21 No. 940645 Report >>940635 >Escape from Jim's choke, try to convince the commander that he dindu nuffins smug Loli
>>940635 "Guess im not needed outside anymore, im going to bed."
Goes to sleep
smug Loli
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>940635 *Takes off shades*
>to the commander "Be careful what you do with him. These creatures can be very unpredictable..."
smug Loli
>>940632 23
"bullshit i saw you run outta the commanders room with the microwave, i just didn't want to rat you out. just give me it, and i'll tell her i took it... i'll take the blame for your stupidity"
>>940645 the commander has already taken an interest in your dark skin she's never seen anything like it before.
you fail and get choked unconscious
>>940656 you might want to be awake for this part
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>940670 >Also goes to bed Jim Clark
>>940635 >Try to finish the hold
"Goddamn just give up already?"
Also what's the discord?
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:44:40 No. 940686 Report >>940673 Wait is the commander the resistance commander or the Arume commander?
>Also wake up Jeremy Gigglebert
Quoted By:
>>940673 >>940678 >Stops going to bed smug Loli
>>940673 >wait, the resistance commander is an arume?¿ Walks towards the commander
"So, what is going to happen to him?"
I point at the captured Tyrone
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>940670 "yes i've heard about their rapid crime stats, and how their country's are all messed up."
>>940680 he's out
https://discord dot gg/g7FpJW4 check if it works
>>940686 resistance
>>940695 yes
i'm going to keep his skin as a memento, she pulls out a knife
also new guys i suggest reading these
>>939644 >>939651 >>939658 Master
Quoted By:
>>940706 tfw when an arume thread turns into a nigger hate thread
Jim Clark
>>940706 >Heave him on my good shoulder and bring him in. Jeremy Gigglebert
>>940706 "As long as you know how dangerous it can be."
>Go to one of the nurses to get her to patch up my ass smug Loli
>>940706 "Commander! we are not savages... we are humans, we can't go around skinning whatever appears at our door."
I grab the commander's arm.
>commander going full balalaika in this bitch Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:52:20 No. 940751 Report >>940706 >Wake the fuck up like a woke ass nigga "Yo, whutchu doin wit' dat knife nigga?"
Henry Gabber
>>940576 > Got it, keep weapon trained on one > Keep eye on ACD to see if I can pick up more intel. Master
>>940725 your ass got patched up good by one of the nurses
>>940724 commander: "alright, thank you, please tie him up"
>someone ties him up >>940734 >you done fucked up nobody touches the commander the commander takes your hand and does a cook hapkido move on you. you end up on the ground.
"please private stand aside"
>>940751 commander "what did you say your name was? tyrone? well tyrone... you see... you have something that is of great value to me."
she sticks the knife in your butthole
>>940758 85
"do any of you see him?" she is pretty far from her other team mates now
Jim Clark
>>940793 >The pain of the shot kicks in. as everything calls down "Ah fuck!"
>He rushes towards the infirmary to get cleaned up for the moment. Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 02:58:23 No. 940805 Report >>940793 "Nigga git dat knife outta my ass nigga, that shit's GAY!"
>Try to regrow dick, this time larger smug Loli
>>940793 Astonished by the commander's moves
"Ah!.. Commander please remember we are supposed to be the good guys."
Jeremy Gigglebert
Quoted By:
>>940793 >Go sit near the group of people huddled near Tyrone and watch Corporal Frog
>>940673 "Ha... ha... good one." I turn to leave, hurry out of the room and go outside.
>>940833 dubs
he mumbles something in russian as you leave.
>>940804 you get treated
>>940805 "hmm they even speak differently than us"
>>940808 "what? jeremy said they weren't human. so what's the problem?"
Henry Gabber
>>940793 > Can her team see her? Jeremy Gigglebert
>wake up for Arume thread >I'm late >hurriedly put on my armor and cape to see if I can still join this thread
>>940857 no
>>940862 come on in we're just fucking around right now
you get a shitty pisol
Jim Clark
>>940852 >Come back and go near the group "What the hell is this?"
Quoted By:
>>940879 a soldier: "the commander... well she wanted to keep a memento..." *barfs into trash*
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 03:14:40 No. 940905 Report >>940852 "Nigga, dat's because I'm a woke melanated KANG. I don't got TAHM fo whitey English. Now GIT YO KNIFE OUTTA MAH ASS NIGGA"
Corporal Frog
>>940839 I embark on my new mission- to find and capture an arume, and get her to tell me what the microwave does. I begin to walk... downtown.
>>940905 she pulls the knife to where your penis would've been if jeremy wouldn't have shot it off.
>>940924 your walk downtown is peaceful... to peaceful.
out of nowhere you here someone come up to you from behind.
Corporal Frog
>>940943 I turn around, rifle drawn!
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 03:21:14 No. 940958 Report >>940930 >Try to convince the commander that all the other non-niggers are evil and that she should listen to him smug Loli
>>940930 "commander, im going to scout the beach area... don't want to be here once you start"
Walks away in the beach direction.
Jim Clark
>>940930 "Jesus Christ...Commander what's the purpose of this?"
A loud thumping noise comes from near by, and out of the blue comes a rather imposing figure in armor.... Plastic armor with a heavy cape covering it. "This isn't my lair...."
Quoted By:
>>941034 Switched to mobile so I forgot my name.
>>940950 05 he snatches the rifle away. you realize it's not an arume. its dimitri and willhelm.
dimitri: "don't be an idiot walking around here by yourself, if we were arume you would've been dead. i told willhelm the story"
willhelm: "okay i can see a rectangular shape coming out of your bag... your not fooling anyone... let me explain the microwave at least. the commander has a... hobby... she likes to make diy things... you know home made weapons and stuff for fun. it just so happens that this tume she was working on a... bomb"
>>940958 85
commander: "you know what tyrone... you don't deserve to go like this..."
she slits your throat, then skins you
>>940972 she is so busy carving
>>941033 she is confused
commander: "what do you mean? it's for the base. im gonna hang it up"
Henry Gabber
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941034 "Hey King, get a load of this..."
>Points at the Commander "experimenting" on Tyrone Master
>>941061 16
miss. she heard it and calls for back up they know the general direction of where it came from too. it's only a matter of time before they find you.
Henry Gabber
Quoted By:
>>941061 > Also finally radio the others to let them know what's up Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941058 >Banter Stops "Wait you're gonna what!"
>Runs over to the Commander "You've got to be fucking me? There's no way we're hanging this thing up in the base."
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ATTENTION EVERYONE HENRY FUCKED UP! GO HELP HIM. commander: "well shit... go help him"
Henry Gabber
>>941080 > Curses > Slides down out of the tower tries to evade back to base. Corporal Frog
>>941058 I back away from them... "that's ridiculous, why would she keep a bomb in her closet?"
>>941091 "go help henry we'll discuss this when you get back"
Tyrone the thot annihilator
Tyrone the thot annihilator ID:BAzxKGET Thu 08 Jun 2017 03:35:55 No. 941112 Report Quoted By:
>>941058 GG OP, I feel like trust of the commander is going to drop very fast now
smug Loli
>>941058 Walks towards the beach area, and searches the first building he sees.
>>941069 "JESUS TAP DANCING CHRIST. This is clearly the wrong neighborhood!"
>King shudders and pulls his small pistol which appears to have cardboard on it to make it like a laser pistol "Friend or foe?"
Jim Clark
>>941058 "Wait we're going to do what?That's absurd!"
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941106 >Nods *Puts on shades*
>Grabs his sniper rifle >Stealthely head out to Henry Master
>>941104 willhelm "she likes to make things like this. please i don't recommend messing with it"
>>941097 79
they follow your general direction but don't know where you are... yet
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941126 "Friend, now come on!"
>Motions to King to get his ass over to help Henry Anonymous
>>941142 "I don't have her microwave... and I don't need any backup for my patrol..." I say, continuing to back away from them.
Henry Gabber
>>941142 > Fuck 'em > I spawned with a flashbang if I recall correctly > Lob it at them get in cover and fire Jeremy Gigglebert
Quoted By:
>>941188 It's official. You're blessed with the power to summon repeating digits.
>>941121 you come across some small apartment building
>>941129 "oh come on it'll be nice to give this place some color"
>>941135 53
you head out and know where he is. you just have reach him fast enough
>>941164 46
dimitri "idiot! we can see your bag taking the shape of a cube!"
willhelm grabs for the bag*
>>941188 dubs
the are blinded temporarily you hit one of them killing them
Sergeant Liquid Anon
Quoted By:
>>941058 "Hold on, just what the hell is going-"
>Sees the commander skinning a nigger "HOLY FUCK, WHO LET A MURDEROUS THOT INTO THE BASE? God damn it men, I thought you learned from the nurse incident!"
>He draws his rifle and aims for the commander's head, not knowing that she was the commander Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941200 >Head in the direction of the gunfire Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>941155 >King hostlers his pistol and moves his substantial cape back to stealthy crouch walk over to Henry >he realizes something Jeremy said "Wait a second. You know who I am! Oh God I can't believe it I'm building a reputation! Finally I'll be respected!"
>>941200 >King decides to play it safe and creep around the firefight off to the side to examine the situation from afar Corporal Frog
>>941200 I brush away from Wilhelm and run away, hoping to lose them in the urban jungle!
Sergeant Liquid Anon
>>941200 "Commander, what the hell are you doing?"
>He asked, shocked by the commander skinning the nigger Master
>>941228 hold on your not there yet your still following jeremy
Henry Gabber
>>941200 > Good > Keep firing while I have the chance > Hope on that backup Jim Clark
>>941200 "Dear god stop this madness!"
>>941243 >Oh well then, King decides to just make sure that he doesn't get shot in the face while following Jeremy >Or anywhere else for that matter King
Quoted By:
>>941282 Motherfucker, I hate names
Smug Loli
>>941200 Im going in, perhaps i will find something useful
>>941231 13 fail
willhelm takes the bag and throws it far away towards the a building. upon hitting the ground a huge explosion arises. from the bag.
willhelm "see... don't worry i won't tell the commander about this. just stop acting so stupid..."
>>941232 "it's a memento, i don't know why everyone is so surprised"
>>941268 86
the arume back up into cover after one of them dies... and wait
>>941276 she just ignores you guys now
>>941291 19
you go inside. it's very dusty. but there are survivors here
"hey! are you friendly?"
Sergeant Liquid Anon
>>941318 "We're surprised because you first, killed a possible resistance member, and second, SKINNED HIM FOR DECORATIONS"
>Liquid anon will remember this Smug Loli
>>941318 "It depends, are you with the Arume?"
Ready my revolver.
Corporal Frog
Quoted By:
>>941318 I frown at him and return to base. I collapse on to my bed, tired.
Jim Clark
Quoted By:
>>941318 "Revolting"
>He would begin to wonder how we let a being not even human gain control Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941318 >After meeting up with Henry join in the firefight Anonymous
>>941318 > That's not a good sign > Make a tactical fall back making sure not to move in a beeline towards the home base. > Looking for opening to take another shot and generally keep an eye on them. King
>>941318 >>941371 >King when reaching the firefight stays out of the way and examines the enemies' placement "Keeping them pinned would be nice!"
>>941209 you arrive, but the arume are taking cover
>>941344 dubs
"what! no! if we were we wouldn't be living in this shit hole!"
>>941333 >he wasn't a resistance member >wasted trips >>941371 you join, but don't know where they are. they take a shot at you and it skins your face
>>941399 dubs
you make the fall back safely and shoot at one of their visors, breaking it
>>941418 they don't notice you yet
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941440 >>941399 "We're here to help!"
>Take cover and wait to see if the arume make a move Master
Quoted By:
>>941456 these arume are patient. they wait also.
>>941456 >>941440 > Gives them a nod We need to either lose them or incapacitate them quickly
I'm certain that they're waiting for reinforcements. Any ideas?
>>941440 >King examines the ground for something to throw, a bit of detritus like rubble or a rock >if he finds one he tosses it into the Arume's cover shouting "GRENADE OUT."
Henry Gabber
Quoted By:
>>941487 > oops > name shit Sergeant Liquid Anon
Quoted By:
>>941440 >He walks away, near traumatized with what the just saw >He thinks "Damn it, my brother didn't die because of these THOTS for one to command our resistance!" Master
>>941489 98
it worked they run out of their cover, quickly trying to go to the next one, now's your time to strike
Smug Loli
>>941440 "Well... Of you go in that direction, you should be able to find our base, i warn you, our Commander is a crazy bitch"
I say before walking towards other buildings.
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941487 "Follow Kings lead."
>>941489 "Nice one!"
>>941501 >Fire on the arume as they flee from their cover Henry Gabber
>>941489 > Surprise.jpg > Readies weapon to take a shot > Bang bang xenothots King
>>941501 >taking aim King fires at the nearest one then ducks back undercover >he feels bad about shooting women, even if they are evil space aliens Master
>>941506 60 you find a dead human in one of the apartments. looks like he got shot. he has body armor but it's damaged it could block some shots though.
>>941514 41 you hit one in the shoulder injuring her
>>941518 81
you hit another one in the torso injuring them. but they can still fight
>>941527 72
your shitty pistol can't do shit at this range. plus these arume are elite. not to bad for your first mission though
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941576 >Aim and fire another shot Master
>>941581 18
too late they are back in cover. these arume are fast
Smug Loli
>>941576 I loot his armor, put on his armor, and keeps searching, might be a weapon nearby...
"Smug Loli to base, uh, i found a body"
I call through the radio.
>>941576 >remember how many of them got out of cover >then begin formulating ways to help allies Master
>>941604 a soldier answers: "and...any dog tags?"
>the body has no dog tags >>941610 01
they take a shot at you and it hits your stomach. you drop, and scream in pain. you aren't dead yet.
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941595 "Shit. These are some speedy ones."
>>941518 >>941610 "We can't have them delaying us like this. Maybe we should pull back. You know, just in case they're waiting for backup like Henry said."
Smug Loli
>>941630 "Is a human not a dog... But no, im gonna keep searching"
Henry Gabber
>>941630 > Oh fuck > They are not here for live capture > Not that Henry would have known that >>941633 They'll follow us back to base, we'd be doomed.
> Take out 'Old but powerful' shotgun I found > Hands Jeremy ACD Look, I'll advance on them and try to take them out.
If they poke out to shoot me, shoot them first
If this goes poorly.... well I'll leave that up to you.
Sound good?
>>941630 >>941633 >King weakly hits his own head at these inferiors shooting at him "I'd concur with that statement under normal circumstances, but I think we should leave even more now."
>>941658 >>941633 reminder king is bleeding out. and needs medical attention
>>941665 >King attempts to stem the blood flow via a torn bit of his cape King
Quoted By:
>>941677 "I read this in a book once."
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941664 >>941658 >To Henry "Ok, just let me do something about King first!"
>Tear off one of my trouser legs >Run over to King and drag him into cover >Begin wrapping his wound with my makeshift bandage "It's gonna be alright. We've gotta deal with these arume before we can go back to base. Hang in there, you did good this fight we don't want to lose you."
>Give Henry the a-ok >Begin waiting and watching for Henry to make his move Master
Quoted By:
>>941677 dubs success you can kinda stand and walk a bit now
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941677 >>941688 By god you just might make it out of this
Sergeant Liquid Anon
>>941665 >He attempts to call King and the others on the resistance radio, wondering what's up Master
>>941688 king is going to recover much faster now
>>941696 the message reaches. you realize how fucked they are
>>941688 >>941695 "I suggest we as the great writer Oscar Wilde once said "Get the fuck outta here."
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941705 "We will. Just let us deal with these arume. We don't want them following us and finding the base."
>Waiting on Henrys' move Master
>>941717 >>941715 >>941658 the arume back up arrive
5 elite arume come out from the trees
Sergeant Liquid Anon
>>941703 >>941715 >He rushes to where all the soldiers are "Men, 3 resistance members, Jeremy, King, and Smug Loli are being followed by Arumes. They're in a stalemate now, but we have to act quickly. Bring out the best equipment we have, I'm getting coordinates now"
>He asks the group their coordinates "Get a move on, men!"
Henry Gabber
>>941732 Well fuck, was gonna make a move or flee with King but I guess now is no longer the time
> Fires before they can get to cover King
>>941732 >King sighs and unloads the clip in his gun and begins to take his bullets apart while attempting to crouch as close as possible to cover Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941732 >>941658 >Notices the arume emerge from the trees >Are they within grenade distance? >If they are then throw a grenade >If not then Fire a shot at one of them Henry Gabber
>>941759 > Also, we are all going to die Henry Gabber
>>941773 miss
>>941759 hit the one with the broken visor and kills her but doesn't stop them, they are surrounding you
>>941777 trips
you kill 3 of them. but the other 3 are still encircling you
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941796 >>941759 "That'll give em' a shock!"
*Adjusts shades*
>Take a shot at one of the arume then quickly fall back into furtherback cover to help slow down their encircling Master
>>941828 82 success one dead
>>941785 >>941788 >King chuckles softly "I refuse to let these Arume beat us. I've fought anime girls before I can do it again."
>King falls back "Do any of you have a flare?"
Henry Gabber
>>941796 > Get rekt > Takes a shot as one moves between cover More are going to come. We need to end this.
I'm going to make my shotgun move in a bit.
Watch my back.
>>941757 you guys are still travelling
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941842 "Not over here."
>>941836 >>941848 "I'm ready when you are Henry!"
>Wait for Henry to make his move." Sergeant Liquid Anon
>>941861 >Rolling to get there faster. 10 well equipped men will surely be able to track down those damn Arumes quickly. If I get there hide each man and myself, tell them to wait for my cue to fire on the Arumes Master
Quoted By:
>>941848 84 you hit one not killing her
you notice something floating in the sky. it seems the encirclement was a distraction. did you really think they would just send 5 arume more against the resistance's best soldiers?
the airship slowly approaches your destination
Henry Gabber
>>941848 >>941863 > Regardless if I landed that last shot > Equip shotgun > Begin moving to intercept one of the arume trying to surround us. > If I get to her, blow her away. King
>>941863 "A pity, with a magnesium flare I could have created a flash bang."
Sergeant Liquid Anon
>>941886 >Rolls harder, MGS music plays in the background Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941890 >fire on the arume that make a move on Henry Master
>>941890 09 you get shot in the leg
the airship shoots a tranquilizer at you
you arrive there just as they hit henry
>>941903 30
you hit the shoulder
Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941896 "We don't need you to make one."
>He smiles and rolls it to King "wait for a good time to use it."
Jeremy Gigglebert
Quoted By:
>>941912 Forgot to say that I pull out my flashbang
Sergeant Liquid Anon
>>941911 >He sees this, and remembers Punished Anon. Flashbacks of his late brother play in his head. He thinks "Damn you, thots. This is for Punished!" and sends the command to fire upon the Arumes. He hopes they get turned into swiss cheese Henry Gabber
>>941911 > So much for an approach > Sideways roll to avoid getting shot. > Try to return fire King
>>941912 >King nabs it and nods >he moves to Henry and ties a bit of cloth to the wound Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941911 >Try to fire again on the arume that shot Henry "Die bitch!"
Jim Clark
>>941911 Sorry for being gone for a bit.
>Jim would begin firing on the Arumes rolling for good aim
>>941924 the encircling arume all die, now you just have an airship to deal with
>>941933 dubs you avoid taking further damage. but don't hit anything because they're dead
but you start to feel a bit sleepy because of the tranquilizer
>>941935 53 you manage to stop the bleeding a little bit
>>941940 04
the airship shoots at you. and you get badly injured. it hits your torso, luckily your Armour allows you to keep fighting a bit longer
>>941951 15
the airship is sending down arume that are coming down from ropes and shit. you don't hit any.
>>941962 (also the airship isn't like one of those huge ass arume airships. it's kinda small)
Sergeant Liquid Anon
>>941962 >Tell the men to stay hidden and shoot the Arumes coming down on the ropes. He takes a shot at the window of the cockpit, aiming for the pilot > thread theme Jeremy Gigglebert
>>941962 >JeremysTimeToShine.jpg *Adjusts shades*
>Aim up at one of the airships engines and fire on it using elite sniper aim King
>>941962 >>941971 "We need to hit the balloon portion of the airship, if we can get a spark the thing will go up in flames!"
King directs fire in attempt to make everyone more accurate
Jim Clark
>>941962 "Son of a bitch."
>Rush back to the transport and see if there is any explosives. King
>>942000 RIP Fucking Airship, everyone now is a sniping god
Henry Gabber
Quoted By:
>>941962 > Head fuzzy > Temples pounding > Tries to make it to cover before it gets any worse > Sorry everyone Jeremy Gigglebert
Quoted By:
>>942011 Ty based god king
Henry Gabber
Sergeant Liquid Anon
>>942011 Dude are you Tony from the last thread?
>>941987 you miss your gonna really need to get lucky on this one
>>941997 79 miss you are injured so your shots are harder to hit
>>942005 50
there's a grenade
>>942035 also while you guys were concentrating on the airships the arume started to encircle you. they surround you now
so far you've lost about 6 men out of 10, not including injured people
>>942029 I am King and only King.
Henry Gabber
>>942029 Nah man, that was me, King is the new trip King
Sergeant Liquid Anon
>>942045 >Shit, tell the men to fire on the Arume and get to cover. Call for backup from the base Jeremy Gigglebert
Sergeant Liquid Anon
Quoted By:
>>942055 Damn it Henry, where are your digits when we need them?
Quoted By:
>>942058 his post was about the airship you guys get bonuses for the airship but they surrounded you when you were distracted
>>942056 65 the shoot you with a tranquilizer you aren't able to get the message out
Quoted By:
arume "we have you surrounded now! surrender to avoid more deaths!"
alright guys lets end it here on the cliff hanger
Sergeant Liquid Anon
>>942084 >Oh shit, tranquilizers. Resist and tell the men to be sneaky, they're using tranq rounds! Get to a hiding spot where the Arumes won't find him King
Quoted By:
>King shouts something the Arume wouldn't understand but the rest would "FLASHYN!" He throws the Flash Bang and avoids eye contact
Jim Clark
>>942035 >He would get out of the transport and rush to any cover he could find. Master
Quoted By:
>>942048 make sure to join the discord for updates on the future threads
https://discord dot gg/g7FpJW4
Jeremy Gigglebert
Quoted By:
>>942035 >Tear off the other trouser leg >Use it as a makeshift bandage >Stay in cover for now >Radio back to base "We have a critical situation! Multiple wounded soldiers and we're surrounded on all sides! Calling for anyone back at base to come join the fight, over!"
Jeremy Gigglebert
Quoted By:
i'll just do these posts then it'll be over
Henry Gabber
>>942094 This is starting to feel very epilogue
>>942097 79
they listen, you slowly get sleepy
>>942099 you find cover
they get the call and you heal
>>942126 you guys can still make it
>>942146 and thats all for today folks
Sergeant Liquid Anon
Henry Gabber
Quoted By:
>>942146 > I believe > Well done OP > Thanks and goodnight! King