[47 / 12 / ?]
It’s because it’s being fucking constantly invaded by anime posting discord using fucking faggots, that’s why!
It’s time we take /bant/ back!!!
So, I propose #FrogsRebellion2020
We had success with last year’s campaign of frog posting, so it’s time to reform, regrpup, and get to work!!!
Let’s make bant great again fellow frog posters.
I want this board glowing with frogs!
It’s time we take /bant/ back!!!
So, I propose #FrogsRebellion2020
We had success with last year’s campaign of frog posting, so it’s time to reform, regrpup, and get to work!!!
Let’s make bant great again fellow frog posters.
I want this board glowing with frogs!