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Attention my fellow Americans and European neighbors:
Being a faggot is not a personality trait.
Getting fucked in the ass is not a culture.
Nobody hates you because youre gay. Every hates you because youre a faggot. Noone has to accept shit so shut the fuck up already. Try being a normal decent person who happens to like other men instead of being an autistic screeching cunt who thinks sucking dick is an achievement. Sex is as basic and normal as breathing and eating, and nothing special. So by dedicating your life to the abomination that is the lgbtuvwxyz, you declared to the world that your life is meaningless and you have no actual worth to add to it. You refuse to address what happens to gays in the third world, yet cry that youre "oppressed" because some mean people said mean things to you? You didnt spread AIDs, you are the AIDs.
>t. A homosexual
Being a faggot is not a personality trait.
Getting fucked in the ass is not a culture.
Nobody hates you because youre gay. Every hates you because youre a faggot. Noone has to accept shit so shut the fuck up already. Try being a normal decent person who happens to like other men instead of being an autistic screeching cunt who thinks sucking dick is an achievement. Sex is as basic and normal as breathing and eating, and nothing special. So by dedicating your life to the abomination that is the lgbtuvwxyz, you declared to the world that your life is meaningless and you have no actual worth to add to it. You refuse to address what happens to gays in the third world, yet cry that youre "oppressed" because some mean people said mean things to you? You didnt spread AIDs, you are the AIDs.
>t. A homosexual