Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[9 / 4 / ?]


ID:rSn6Sn1S No.9438428 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dear peasant-folk of /bant/ it has come to my attention that a new plague has emerged from the rice-nigger lands of China. IT has already spread to every continent on this earth to some small degree. Take heart, for I, the Plague Doctor, will devote my time to ensuring that this board does not fall to the plague. While my theory that this is simply an advanced form of The Gay is not yet proven I will continue to research into this possibility.

Now for curing this plague. First you must burn all infected, dead or alive, ignore their screaming. Put cleansing lotions and gels on every part of your body and up you anus. Apply gel to the nostrils and mouth. Avoid human contact, easy enough for you fucking losers, and remain indoors as much as you possibly can.