>>9499459it doesnt matter what you believe, or what I believe. It doesnt matter whether its real or fiction. It is, whether you or I like it or not, a profoundly influential book, and continues to be the most influential book of all times. To not be fluent in it, is to be ignorant of what influences many humans opinions. You cannot understand the world, or the forces shaping it, wihtout having read and understood the message in this book (and some others I would add: The Quoran, The I Ching, the Vedas, The Sutras and the Suttas). To become a scholar and a gentlemen there are many books you must read, The bible is at the top of that list.
The facts that you point out are undoubtly true, making the Bible even harder to properly research. For to properly research the Bible one must uncover ancient langauges that have not been spoken on this earth for nearly 2000 years. Ancient Syriac for instance, Aramaic, Old hebrew, and ancient Greek. Even more disconcerting to the true scholar, is that many of the meanings are hidden under multiple layers of wisdom, for every verse in the book was written at once for children and also for extremely wise, and many layers in between. each verse has an interpretation meant for children, and another deeping, hidden meaning, for the very intelligent.
Take for instance "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." This is a simple lesson, with very simple logic, meant to be taught to a child, so the child could see the circular logic, and such logic resonates with a child. And yet there is a far deeper meaning. Two things understand how the machine is designed, and reveal the function and purpose behind the machines design, the designer of the machine, and the machine itself.
"The machine itself reveals the functions behind the form of its design." Consider that statement for a moment if you will. Because that is alot to get from "Do unto others...."
to be contd