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ID:47H8vvv8 No.952225 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"OK class, find a partner"
>Either do it myself or sit there doing nothing
>Teacher tells me to go up to a grouo and ask to be a third member
>Not gonna go "c-can I join your group?" so continue to do it myself or do nothing
>Teacher goes "Everyone, anon needs a group!"
>Sit with the group doing nothing
>"Sensee, anon isn't helping"
>Get a 0 because I'm not allowed to do it myself for some stupid reason
>Teacher partners with me
>Stares at me for a few minutes while I do all the work
>Goes back to their computer to play Phantasy Star Online or something
>Do perfect on the project but still get a B because the teacher doesn't want the students to think xhe helped me