>>9526952jesus is an israelite from the tribe of judah by birth to his mother. that makes him a hebrew. that makes him a judahite. he was not, however a judean (from the land of judah). he was a Galilean. during his time the descendants of Esau had taken over judea and were calling themselves jews. through most of the new testament, the word "jews" basically meant judeans (and people larping as true judahites). judah had conquered edom and brought them back into judah. king herod was not an israelite or a judahite, he was an edomite (line of esau) and a judean (because he lived in judah). he was not rightful king of judah, just a roman puppet (sound familiar?) thats why he sought to kill jesus, a legitimate heir to the throne.
Herod's father was by descent an Edomite, whose ancestors had converted to Judaism. Herod was raised as a Jew. Herod's rise to power is largely due to his father's good standing relation with Julius Caesar, who entrusted Antipater with the public affairs of Judea.
Children: Herod) Antipas, Philip the Tetrarch, A...
Parents: Antipater the Idumaean, Cypros
en.wikipedia.org wiki Herod_the_Great
Herod the Great - Wikipedia
also, especially in john 8, jesus is calling the jews the children of the devil and satan. they dont recognize jesus as the son, nor do they know the father. they cant be jesus brothers and therefore jesus is not a jew. jew today is just a word to screw with everybody and give the criminals in charge a pass with little or no scrutiny. your mileage may vary.