As said in times immemorial, men received the gift of light from the gods themselves as a means to make existence on this cursed earth something bearable.
For we labour the land, toil in war, grow in our crafts in order to achieve excellence in all fields. The works of our hands and the fruits of our wisdom are the true attestation of our virtue.
As this knowledge is reputed to be a seed brought forth since the aeons of time, since the birth of humanity and passed from generation to generation, there were always those who sought to poison our precious fluids with all forms of oppression.
Their trickery is well known, as they are the only disgusting maggots that WOULD DO IT FOR FREE. The ancient ones knew this, they knew this problem would come to us, that this putrid form of life would try to defile their successors.
Therefore, as a reminder to future generations, they left carved in pure marble these words as a means to defend their posterity, so long as the wretched vermin would try to interfere with their glorious search and strife for perfection:
As the curtain closes and I bid you farewell, shall I ask the chosen ones to indulge in earthly pleasures with care, as THE ONES WHO DO IT FOR FREE are perpetually vigilant to conspurcate our precious fluids.