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ID:Qgi1lLbZ No.9531003 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pants are a quintessentially feminine piece of clothing. While the man has is genitals exposed and hanging between his legs, the female has its sexual organs tucked inside the body. Thereby, the woman will always be more comfortable than the man when wearing tight clothing, while the man will always be not only more comfortable, but more heterosexually appealing when wearing loose clothing. When the pelvis of the woman is marked by the clothing, she show that her sexually organs are hidden, (showing a plain pelvis) and thereby proves her femininity. Meanwhile when the man wears tight clothing, his crotch is indecently and uncomfortably shown, and gives away a socially incorrect aspect of attempting to be a woman. One can argue, however, that two problems arise from this. The first is that a womans menstruation blood can more easily taint the pants. The second is that a mans erection can be more noticeable under a skirt. But then i argue, underwear solves both of these problems. As a conclusion , i invite society to stablish the skirt as a masculine piece of clothing, and the pants as a femenine one.