What are the best options for rooting christcucks out of /pol/?
>A. Make anti-christcuck threads and create anti-christcuck memes
B. Make pro-christcuck threads and then subvert the christcucks by defeating their weak argument and weak memes
>C. Post while pretending to be a christcuck and amp up the crazyness x100 to cause revulsion in moderate christcucks and non-christcucks alike
D. Realize that christcucks are mostly boomer / alt-kike / cuckservatives who are about 2% redpilled - so mix in some regular redpills (race, jews, WWII, etc) while defeating their weak arguments
>E. Relentlessly subvert and defile christcuck memes and images.. This should cause panic fast as they have so extremely few people capable of creating memes and art.
F. Create good, easy to read and comprehend infographs - so people can be brought up to speed on the danger of cuckstianity quickly
>G. Engage the christcucks and get them to talk. This is good because it makes people quickly see how retarded and jewish their religion is when they try to explain themselves. Afterlife with skydaddy, magic-knowledge-granting-apples in Eden, sun spinning around earth, guy surviving inside a whale for days, etc.
H. All of the above
>but why root out christcucks in the first place?
Because they make up the vast majority of support for judaism and israel in the world. The few christcucks who don't support/tolerate the jew are so few that they should be disregarded entirely. They are a non-factor, and their children will probably become true christcucks instead of half-based christcucks. Just like the child of a rare tolerable nigger most often grows up to be a regular nigger. Regression to the mean.