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Follow on thread from the last Venus terraforming thread

No.9561439 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
old thread >>243798388

Questions asked included:
>What about water? Isn’t Venus very dry.
Yes and no, Water vapour makes up 20ppm of the Venusian atmosphere. However, the atmosphere there is 95 bar, so it’s actually quite a lot of water... 10^16kg or 10 trillion tons of water. But of course, outside sources of water could be crashed there as well to sustain greenhouses.

>Isn’t there major volcanic activity on Venus?
No, there isn’t. There was in the past, but not any more. Venus is a lot less active vulcanically than Earth.

>how about seeding algae there to create O2
Well, if you shade the planet to get the temperature and pressure down by freezing out CO2, those algae won’t have any sunlight... and freeze within minutes.

>let’s just grow indoor weed, trillions of plants
Yeah, we can do that, but why weed? We should grow whatever converts CO2 best to O2 in the least amount of time and yields the best biomass residue to create a fertile top layer soil on Venus.

>Isn’t this all cost prohibitive? We surely cannot build 250 million km2 broken down into billions of ultra thin space shades because of costs.
Well, we can produce a kg worth of ultra thin space shades for a few bugs... or a few thousand bugs for a km2, and that’s without significant economies of scale. So we are talking about 250 billion+ for the shades... the real cost problem is getting that stuff into space, for that we need a new strategy from surface to orbit.