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ID:jb+HctHs No.9572136 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fuck /pol/

/bant/ used to be amazing, filled with people who actively sought to make new content, build a board culture from nothing.

What happened to dukeposting? Anti frogposting?

The only remnants of old /bant/ are the cirnoposters, "how to fix anime" threads, the kpop generals, and flagposters.

What really made this board good was the culture of anti /pol/. The constant nearly schizophrenic delusions of nearly every regular poster on that board is imo one of the most toxic memetics (especially for under 18's) on the entirety of the web.

/bant/ was, and perhaps it was myself pushing identity onto it, a place that cared about keeping things meta.

In the end, I guess we were lucky to be around it when it was "good" and there's no use complaining. Nonetheless, fuck /pol/. Fuck them for every pompous thought they project, without even the slightest inclination of doubt towards self.