>Be America
>Save world from destruction on a nearly daily basis
>Enjoy prosperity and freedom unseen before in human history
>Make breakthrough scientific discoveries in a year then all other nations combine
>Ensure peace and security to all nations
>Open and free to all people's
>Punishes criminals
>Lowest unreported crime rate in the world
>Most just legal system in the world
>Endless bountiful harvests
>Has contributed more to history, art, and culture in it's 250 years then in the world's 10,000
>Unending grace and love to people all around the world
>People all over the world try to come here
>Saves almost as many souls from eternal damnation then it saves from war, famine, and disease
>Those who can't aspire to be as American as possible
>Foreigners literally can't stop thinking about us
>Communists and dictators literally can't stop hating us
>American's literally completely oblivious to seething yuropoors due to preoccupation with being american i.e awesome