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No.9598502 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’ve been seeing a Clinical Psychologist for about 18 months now.

In my last session she said she doesn’t think I should be working because normie life is too overwhelming and stressful for me as an autist, and that I should be on autismbux, and she’s willing to write a report for me if I want to start the process.

I am only working a low paying job, so autismbux wouldn’t be much of a step down in money. Im incapable of forming friendships and can’t ever get a girlfriend, so it’s not like I need much money. Working around normies and trying to pretend to be normie is also making me extremely depressed and suicidal.

Is getting on autismbux and going full lay down and rot mode worth it, or am I going to make things worse for me? Life is already complete shit and never improving (I’m 30+) so I don’t see it improving soon, I’m already way past the point of anything happening for the better.