>>9621807>VOXEDI searched that up, and looks like it's an argie imageboard that got cucked by the law.
>The Voxed social network, which had been criminally denounced for inciting collective violence, instirating to commit sexual crimes, promoting religious hatred and discriminating, reached a judicial settlement with INADI. The moderators of the site will be trained to identify and remove discriminatory content. And they must report those situations that are registered on the Web and may lead to a crime. In addition, the platform will no longer be anonymous. According to Claudio Presman, INADI's auditor, users will need to fill out a form with some personal data to interact on the network. Sebastian Curutchet, creator of the site, spoke to Clarín and assured that he has "a willingness to comply with the agreement".Do argies REALLY? No freedoms to say the N word?