>>9646389>Alagama here.White women in the South aren't a universal whole. The gap between middle class and upper middle class whites and lower class whites broadens every day. Lower class whites are riddled with obesity, low iq, many of them are mudsharks, many of them are single moms, all of them are tattoo'd, many of them do serious drugs or hang out with people who do, most are thieves...just awful, awful people.
Middle class/Upper middle class can have some of the old Southern charm (if they were raised well) and be fairly non slutty (though most are quite slutty, like all women), but they still buy into the whole HS > College > (maybe MRS degree) > exciting career > turn 30 *record scratch* oh shit time to get married mentality.
I feel bad for the lower class, they lost all the decent people in their communities to white flight but they were too poor to keep moving to 'up and coming communities' or to the suburbs. So they got stuck in meth/opoid land surrounded by niggers. Within a few generations they will be literal brazil tier. It's a shame.
Meanwhile their middleclass sisters are typical thots with an accent, but no real spiritual or cultural traditions that make them stand out in any meaningful or impactful way that will continue the classic benefits of Southern civilization.
In short, they sink as low as we allow them to.