>>968393>how do we stop white power?There's no such thing as "white power" in 2017. We're not given any loans, or grants, we're not hired over others regardless of skill, there is nothing created specifically for us and we're not really allowed to express ourselves in any way that may be seen as "negative" without being called out as racist.
If your "proof" that "white power" exists because people on 4chan, or online in general, use the word nigger then you're one seriously stupid motherfucker.
And you can't use past events as proof either, since we're not living in the past. This is 2017. Stop making excuses to justify feeling sorry for yourself, open your goddamn eyes, and look at the world around yourself. The only way you truly have it bad in this country is if you literally do nothing, and then complain about how bad it all is because you're doing nothing to change it.
Enough with this "The world sucks but I wont change it" bullshit mentality. You're the problem. Not whites. Not non-whites. Not Jews. Not women. You. You are the problem.