>>9692900Well, each DID system operates in a slightly different way, but in our system we do not refer to ourselves as "we" when talking individually but rather collectively. We are separate entities but are connected because we share a body. When I give an opinion, I have no problem using the word "I" although I do not have as much of a need to affirm my individuality as the other alter who posted here. And while we are all equals, there is a hierarchy in the way we work so that we can operate in a functional way. The gatekeeper of the system and I have the most executive control over who fronts, but can be overrided by a triggered part that has somehow perceived danger, whether it is real or false. Most systems do have some control over who fronts, since DID is after all a coping mechanism engineered to remain covert and functional. The word system is used because we are a group of people that work together to maintain the body safe and the mind as stable as possible.
The concerns of my fellow alter over the usage of tulpas as a way to cope with loneliness is something I do understand. Tulpamancy, as many other meditation techniques, relies on the capability to dissociation, which is a bit of a double-edged sword since dissociation may disrupt one's sense of identity and connection with reality. It is important, in my opinion, to not use a tulpa as a full time substitute for actual human contact. It is okay in the short term, but in the long term it might alienate a person even more from the rest of the world. I'd recommend using your tulpa as a tool to get out of your comfort zone socially rather than incorporating it to said comfort zone without seeking interpersonal connection externally.