>>9692289TUPSET - when your tupper secures and unexpected victory
TUPBEAT - how you feel when your tupper greets you in the morning with a hug
TUPDATE - when your tupper tells you what they were doing while you were sleeping
TUPKEEP - doing daily exercises to maintain your tupper (or yourself, if you have swapped!)
TUPLIFT - being changed from sad to happy by the actions of your tupper
TUPLOAD - when your tupper makes internet posts on your behalf.
TUPPITY - "host your tastes are shit, let me pick"
TUPROAR - the response to saying "no u" to the above
TUPSIZE - you gave your tupper a shrink/growth ray
TUPTIME - your tupper has been awake for 13 hours, 26 minutes and 42 seconds
TUPWARD - the direction you move in to ascend towards bliss.
TUPENDED - when your tupper turns your life upside down
TUPFRONT - when you are honest with your tupper
TUPGRADE - what has happened to your life after getting a tupper
TUPRIGHT - when your tupper sets your life the right way up again
TUPSCALE - having to make your mind a little bigger to make space for your tupper
TUPSTAGE - when you're trying to do something but your tupper jumps in and does it better than you
TUPCOMING - a future event you have planned with your tupper