>>9765615For years now jews have been demanding that various things be shut down, especially the internet, so as to combat all the “hate” and “anti-semitism” running rampant. Now they have the excuse to shut down almost everything – the economy, public gatherings, internet sites they don’t like, etc. – all under the guise of fighting the coronavirus. Many places in the world are already under martial law, which is the ultimate shut down.
If there is any reality to the coronavirus, and it’s not just a combination of the regular flu and 5G, then it is a bioweapon brought to us by the same people who unleashed the StuxNet computer virus on the world. They appear to have been planning this all for a long, long time. They can use the Coronavirus as a scapegoat for the economic crash, so that people don’t blame the (((bankers))) like in 2008, as they make out like bandits.
They are running the old problem-reaction-solution model to further their agenda once again, but this time it seems like they are going all in. They are creating incredible chaos in order to institute their totalitarian order. This will give them the opportunity to finally get rid of the pesky first and second amendment in America (along with other rights) and remove the last vestiges of freedom remaining in other countries around the world. They are playing for keeps.
If things keep going according to plan, everyone will need to be injected with a vaccine and microchip, just like in Bill Gates’ ID2020 program, or else they won’t be able to get their food rations. Everyone will be on lockdown, food and supplies may have to be delivered by Amazon, robots will be rolled out in a big way since they cannot be infected, and no one will be able to meet with each other to discuss the situation or protest. We will be isolated, making us all sitting ducks for the neo-NKVD, which could easily take out all of the political opposition to the jew world order without much resistance.