>>9782863>>9782886Asian Giant Hornets. Big, nasty wasps that prey on honeybees. Their stingers can go through a regular bee suit, hence the crappy scuba suit looking gear when they're digging up these creatures for some kind of expensive delicacy. Stings are far more toxic than most other wasps, and some 20 Japanese die every year of stings doing what OP's webm character was doing.
Long story short, chinks smuggle them to the U.S. and Canadian west coast as snacks in their larval and pupal stages, without killing the critters first, which means they can hatch and escape. The harvested pupa are almost always fertile queens that don't need a male to produce thousands more. Last year, they had to exterminate a hive in Canada, and this year, there have been sightings in Washington State.
A failure of fucking leaf customs and border protection sometime in the past year or two let these monsters into Murica, too.
>WA state department of agriculture update on them:https://wastatedeptag.blogspot.com/2019/12/pest-alert-asian-giant-hornet.html