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/owob/ - Our World of /bant/

!TopToprXD. ID:3w++oYiI No.9794725 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Day 5

Whew coronaneets, this has been fun. Big news!
First of all, it is true that I have acquired mod (another person did as well, but due to massive backlash I will remain the only mod). However, I will ONLY use mod abilities for something that I'm finally going to officially announce.
Let me re-iterate. I HAVE NO POWER OVER ANYONE. Nobody will be banned for any reason, nobody will be censored, no rules will be instated, nothing.

And now for an important public announcement:
Want to share your artwork, but don't want it to be griefed? Want to piss on artwork near the hellscape that is the origin without being censored? Now both griefers and makers can have the best of their own interests! Introducing PeePee (Public Protection) services.
Find a plot of canvas far, far, far away from the origin and create your masterpieces there. When your work is done and it is far enough away from the origin, your art can be protected. Once protected, you can share the location of your artwork with anyone at no risk. Periodically, a collection of the locations and titles of artwork will be proudly displayed in regular /owob/ threads.
Protected artwork cannot be altered. Artwork must be 10,000 pixels or more away from the origin (0, 0) to qualify for PP. Ask a mod in the chat about PP and they will TP to you and protect your artwork. Protected artwork cannot be altered by anyone, neither by a potential greifer nor by you, so make sure your art is completely finished before you ask for PP.
Happy drawing