>>981032You're welcome again.
ISIS are /not/ true Muslims, hell, they're not even fundamentalist Muslims. Fundamentalists are against waging wars and killing of innocents, ISIS is fond of doing both for maximum shock effect and have the media cover them the entire time, thus influencing people to alienate the good Muslims living abroad among them even if they never harmed anyone.
In fact, ISIS is a cult in the same vein as the KKK. Only difference is that they intentionally use Quran verses out of context to "justify" their violent acts, that's why more Arab Muslims are killed than any non-Muslim because a "fake" Muslim (any non-extremist) is worse than a non-Muslim in their eyes.
Hell, they constantly bomb Masjids in countries like Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, and even my country. They are nothing but destructive parasite to us and I wish for nothing other than the firey pits of hell to consume their flesh and bones forever.