Everything bad that has ever happened, happened because we believed a lie. We knew it was a lie and believed it anyway.
All the way back in the very beginning, God told us not to do X or we would die. Satan told us to do X because X was great and God was a dick. We freely chose to do X. Now we all die. Turns out Satan was the dick and a liar and God was right all along. Obviously.
Some people will be saved. Very few. No liars. No one who makes a lie. No one who loves a lie. No one who repeats a lie. Not even a little one. All you have to do is take the red pill... and stop taking the blue ones. You can't take any of the blue ones. None.
Think about it.
Salvation is possible for anyone, even you. But the way of salvation is VERY narrow. It is far, far narrower than you are prepared to believe. You don't WANT to believe it. What does that mean?
You will not be saved. You are not going to make it.
And it is your own free choice.
That's how much you love the lies. One red pill, plain as day, there you see it, it's always been there and it will always be there, but you will not take it. Ten hundred thousand million billion blue pills, more every day, and you love them all. You can't stop popping them, one after another after another.
Well, you could stop, if you wanted to. But how many people will actually stop taking the blue pills and take the red pill instead? How many people who read this? How many who read 4chan? Even one? Not likely.
Do you see OP, faggot as always?
>>9800279Here he says that he just wants to know for himself. Is that so?
>>9800282What happens? He chases after the very first story that comes along. Anon admits that he made it up. Doesn't matter. OP thinks it's brilliant.
>>9800297Pure fiction. Yet another blue pill. Everyone knows it. Down the hatch it goes. Sorry red pill. Maybe later. But probably never.
None of you are going to make it. Not one. Not even me. After all, I'm still here.