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No.9801724 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
They're many references to CERN in movies from star wars, iron man 2, Lucy, Alice in wonderland, angels 's demons, tomorrowland, suicide squad, ect... As well as games like Half life, beyond 2 souls, scribblenauts, ect.. And TV shows like stargate, terranova, steins gate I think you get the picture. Why are most movies about this machine?

>Literally the matrix machine
>the internet control grid
>geoengineering through strategic aerosol injection
>nano tagging, and watching our every move.
>trying to link this world to higher dimensions so demonic entities can be unleashed
> data analysis that can predict and control behavior through tweaks in what sites, stories, ads, videos, ect come up to control your mood, and habits
The chemtrailers were right. CERN's cloud chamber creates conditions to test aerosol sprays on cloud formation. they are seeding clouds with barium, ammonia, aluminum, sulphuric acid, ect.. The chemicals are harming crops, animals, tainting water, and most of all us.
>so let me get this correct, they're spraying our skies with aerosols, which is creating all these weather anomalies. they then go and beg for money for 'climate change'. When in actuality they are causing the problem?
Order out of chaos.
>Studies suggest they may influence cloud cover either through the formation of new aerosols (tiny particles suspended in the air that can grow to form seeds for cloud droplets) or by directly affecting clouds themselves.