>>9807753Could be because the younger women are completely repulsive skanks, and the older women are at least a little settled down and willing to start a family.
I too know a guy who is ~25 dating a woman who is 33. It's weird to me, but she's a sweetheart and hes a nice dude, if a bit clueless and immature. She has two kids from a previous marriage, so all sorts of "nope" from me, but the women his age are all bitches who want rich Chads.
This is called a market correction. If women want to compete, they'll need to stop being roasties.
But we all know that wont happen until us men FORCE them to stop being roasties. And force Chad to stop playing the field. Monogamy is the basis of civilization, it's the reason beta males have any interest in contributing to society, and those who buck the system need to get shut down (I'm talking rope and tall oak trees). I say this as a guy who, in my youth, got TONS of high quality puss with practically no effort; what I did was wrong, and I contributed to the collapse of the family unit. I'm doing what I can to fix it (have lots of white babies with ONE pretty young girl), which is more than can be said for Boomers.