[23 / 6 / ?]
>She will never bully me for my accent >She will never read me books and articles with her cute british accent >She will never send me voice messages about her day >She will never tell me about how good that fish&chips was when she went to the Isle of Wight >She will never go on a two hour rant about why the Falklands belong to the English and how we should reestablish the British Empire and expand her.
gangsta og nigger wacko jack
gangsta og nigger wacko jack ID:JrPrZddX Sat 21 Mar 2020 16:29:47 No. 9813822 Report how old is this bitch she's flat.
gangsta og nigger wacko jack
gangsta og nigger wacko jack ID:JrPrZddX Sat 21 Mar 2020 16:37:31 No. 9813842 Report >>9813826 How are you going to tit fuck her or do doggie? She's a stick. There's nothing wrong with fucking skinny girls as long as they have something.
gangsta og nigger wacko jack
gangsta og nigger wacko jack ID:JrPrZddX Sat 21 Mar 2020 16:40:15 No. 9813850 Report Anonymous
>she will never outdrink me at the pub >she will never complain the night is still young while I hurl on the sidewalk >she will never call me a fucking peatgavel for telling her to go easy on the fags >>9813822 She's slouching, and could be hiding some small milkers.
>>9813842 Who said anything about sex.
>>9813850 borked link
gangsta og nigger wacko jack
gangsta og nigger wacko jack ID:JrPrZddX Sat 21 Mar 2020 17:27:03 No. 9814159 Report >>9813869 gay, replace the * with a c, hiro doesn't like it when you link even other imageboard.
>>9813855 lol bitch is retarded cant clean.
gangsta og nigger wacko jack
gangsta og nigger wacko jack ID:JrPrZddX Sat 21 Mar 2020 17:27:26 No. 9814160 Report Quoted By:
>>9814159 some amateur porn shite I don't know
gangsta og nigger wacko jack
gangsta og nigger wacko jack ID:JrPrZddX Sat 21 Mar 2020 18:11:00 No. 9814253 Report gangsta og nigger wacko jack
gangsta og nigger wacko jack ID:JrPrZddX Sat 21 Mar 2020 18:15:48 No. 9814258 Report Quoted By:
>>9813814 Man, same...
I will never have a qt little anglo near at hand.
Pls bully me for my accent anglo chan
>>9813814 Because i have at least some standards.
>>9815471 Mate, you live in the US, what standards are you even talking about?
>>9815487 The us jokes are losing their charm because you guys overuse them. Tons of foreigners where i live. The Europeans are usually disgusting people with zero manners. Theyre almost as bad as the chinese.
>>9815503 it wasn't a joke
>>9815519 Couldnt care less, third world.
Quoted By:
>>9815526 Yes i contributed to the original conversation then you went off on "muh merica" meme. You're making yourself look retarded. Anyway, have a nice day.