>>9814272 >WAKE UP (wake up) HALTON 2.0
Jack ward
>>9814272 >recall the plan, and how it's going to shit >sneak on board, disguise as prisoner and guards. get to fuel tanks and set a time bomb, then get off before the ship goes down. >well, we're about to land, here goes nothing. Anonymous
>>9814275 you were trying to find the two dudes to get the detonator from them.
>from last thread You get back to the camera room and see that the two dudes are nearby, still search for you. You know the room they're currently in.
>>9814276 >>9814277 You guys just finished killing a bunch of niggas and asking to meet with aki and jeremy.
>from last thread 85 and 57
Arthur keeps reloading all six of his revolvers while Guy takes the lead.
Soldier: "J-jim Black!? I can see the resemblance... Alright fine, they're in the airship. On the bridge. But everything is blocked off with barricades. The only way to get up there is with an airship taking you up..."
>>9814278 You place a time bomb on the fuel tank as your ship lands in the vehicle bay.
>from last thread "huh? How are we supposed to know where that is? We've never even been on that ship before!"
You land in the vehicle bay and the men are starting to panic.
>>9814292 Finish reloading them and follow jimbo's lead.
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around ID:g0MwgBFh Sat 21 Mar 2020 18:32:24 No. 9814298 Report Jack ward
>>9814292 (no you fucking idiot, the plan is to place a time bomb on the tanks of the ship we're LANDING on.)
stay calm, it should be similar to our own base. panicing never helped anyone. besides, they should have maps around.
>prepare the uzi Guy
>>9814292 "I can work with that. Lead the way."
>Smile devilishly once he looks away and follow behind to the airship. Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 18:35:14 No. 9814306 Report >Do a resume
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 18:38:32 No. 9814318 Report >Awaken up
>>9814292 >Find the nearest place where I can intercept them, then climb up into the ventilation and wait there to drop down and kill them Anonymous
>>9814298 You were going rambo mode in the last thread. You find an airship that the arume were hiding and killed a hoe that was inside.
>from last thread You treat your wounds with the shit they have in the airship. You're almost back to normal now thanks to that drink and the medicine.
As you go after the squad you begin feeling the negative side effects. First you're getting out of breath very easily and feeling nauseous. You might be able to drink more and counteract this by keeping the effect going for longer.
>>9814297 >>9814301 7 and 34
The soldier pauses for a moment.
Soldier: "What? I can't take you up! I don't have an airship and I'm stationed here. You'll have to get your own airship somehow. Maybe steal one from the arume."
Chiyako whispers to you two "Yare yare, if that was the case we might as well have got one from alice..."
>>9814300 (rude)
"Okay, then we can probably find the prison. But what's the plan once we lock you in?"
Another soldiers slaps him on the head
"Why would we lock him in!? Then we can't free him!"
"I dunno.. I thought we were taking him to jail..."
You prepare your uzi and prepare to leave the airship.
"Can you tell us the plan one more time?"
>>9814318 You're currently on an airship being taken back to the big resistance one.
>from last thread They wave at you back and say some weird muslim arabic words to you
"duf iufheirfhe igbreige iebgie rbgergeirgbr"
Then the airship door closes and begins bringing you to the large airship. In this smaller airship there's weapons and equipment if you need anything.
>>9814306 You're currently on the airship with foster and John
>from last thread John: "Wow, you actually made it work! I'll be 30 seconds."
You and foster get into position and wait for John.
Foster: "That's one ship down, two to go..."
John shows up on time, and you both get on cleanly. The ship flies away, and when looking behind you, you see that big ass airship crash right into the ground.
Aki radios you in again: "I have bad news! Avrod is fine, but apparently someone has infiltrated the ship! they're getting through the barriers by blowing them up. And it seems that they're headed to the bridge, where me and Avrod are... And the worst part of all..."
**Dramatic Pause**
"It sounds like It's arthas again..."
>>9814321 13
You know what room they are in, but the vents in that room aren't in the ceiling so you can't drop down on them. If you attack them, you'll come out from a vent in the wall. The attack won't be as surprising.
The Lieutenant
>>9814272 >RESUME WHAT I WAS DOING edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around ID:g0MwgBFh Sat 21 Mar 2020 18:45:59 No. 9814339 Report >>9814335 >take a sip and follow that arume squad HALTON 2.0
>>9814335 'Okay, just contact Alice to get us the fuck in then'
Whisper at chiako or whatever the name was
>>9814336 >get in the damn vents anyways, it's fine either way Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 18:48:31 No. 9814347 Report >>9814335 >Drop the rifle, get a shotgun and an AR instead >Also get more incendiaries and teargas, three of each "Who's attacking this time?"
Jack ward
>>9814335 there are two sides, if they believe the disguises we walk until we're out of sight. then make off towards the engines and blow them the fuck up.
if they don't believe the disguises we shoot them down, make off towards the engines and blow them the fuck up.
remember to make the time bomb take long enough so we can return to the ship.
>>9814335 "Good grief."
>Sigh and think for a moment. "Do you think any of the attacking Arume have a ship?"
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 18:51:57 No. 9814353 Report >>9814336 *Takes off shades*
"Son of a bitch . . ."
>To John: "We gotta go back, take us to the bridge."
>>9814337 two of your men died during the last attack. You're left with 8 now. You're currently making your way to the bridge.
>from last thread Miller: "Right. They'll probably recognize where we're headed and send troops there to meet us. Let's be ready."
You guys begin making your way to the bridge. From your currently location it's 5 barricades to the bridge. You have enough explosives to get through, but each barricade will increase in difficulty.
>>9814339 34
You sip that shit good and the side effects go away again. You're even more energized and powerful than before.
You begin following the arume squad. You still have only your pistol on you. It looks like the arume squad is heading to the resistance airship. They stop for a while to scope the place out with binoculars.
>>9814344 72
You get in the vents and head over to where the two guys are. They're kind of distracted right now talking to each other, and they're backs are facing you.
>>9814347 You grab a shotgun, an AR, teargas and incendiaries.
Pilot: "Well, believe it or not they say that some chimps and arthas are attacking soldiers in the airship. I don't know how accurate the information is though..."
>>9814348 42
The soldiers all nod in unison. They're ready to execute the plan.
You all exit the airship. You're made to look like a prisoner, and your men are dressed in arume uniform. They're just a bunch of buff dudes in tight fitting clothes, but the arume don't seem to notice too much.
You get a couple of looks, but then the arume get back to their job.
Soldier whispers: "I-I think it's working..."
>>9814350 Soldier: "There's a whole bunch of em towards the east. They're attacking the ship from there. I'm not sure if you'd be able to even get on one though..."
>>9814343 Chiyako: "Uhh, okay I'll try.. I'm not sure if she'll want to send a ship though."
>>9814350 >>9814343 Chiyako whipsers to both of you "Should we try to contact alice for a ship? or just try to take one?"
>>9814353 You take off your shades epicly
John: "Huh? Already? I thought we were gonna go get the other airship."
Foster: "Something must be up back at base, else Aki wouldn't call us back..."
John begins turning the ship around and flying back.
Jack ward
>>9814376 >silently give the signal to lead the way, wait until we're out of sight. HALTON 2.0
>>9814377 To the soldiah
'Hey, but how they gonna recognize the ship is from one of you guys? Do we slap a sticker on the bad boy or what?'
Whisper to chiako
'Its better if we find one, but if none, just tell Alice'
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 19:03:20 No. 9814383 Report >>9814376 "That damn kafr..."
>Get ready to flay a traitor Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 19:05:06 No. 9814384 Report >>9814377 "Drop us off at the bridge."
>Wait for our arrival Caesar
>>9814376 >pop out of the vent and APE RAPE APE RAPE APE RAPE >Take the control afterwards and go back in Guy
>>9814377 "We'll try to find one. We'll do it."
The Lieutenant
>>9814376 ''Alright, this is it, our objective lies just beneath some barricades''
>order one of my men to explode the barricades, keep clearing them till i reach the bridge edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around ID:g0MwgBFh Sat 21 Mar 2020 19:08:01 No. 9814389 Report >>9814376 >quietly watch them Anonymous
>>9814378 52
Your soldiers begin walking with you. One of them helps you since you lost your foot. You guys are getting weird looks, they're probably wondering why there are a bunch of buff arume, but they don't dwell on it too long. The situation is tense, but you've almost reached the secluded area.
>>9814382 soldier: "Yeah, something like that. You can talk to them through the monitor when you're near and tell them it's you. Then they won't attack you."
>>9814383 You guys land on the bridge and get out. You see aki and a bunch of snipers sniping niggas from there.
I think you have 11 men with you left, correct me if I'm wrong. a few moments after dropping down on the bridge you see jeremy
>>9814384 and another man drop down as well.
>>9814385 3
You get out of the vent, but your wounds kinda fuck up your entrance and the soldiers hear you. They turn around and begin firing on you. You get shot the fuck up but manage to close some distance between you guys. You might be able to fuck them up back, but you got a shit ton of bullets in you.
>>9814386 >>9814382 Chiyako: "Alright then. Maybe I can try and attract one, and when it picks me up we all run in and kill them."
She squints her eyes at both of you.
"Can any of you fly an airship?"
>>9814384 90
John: "right..."
He flies you guys to the bridge and you guys swiftly drop down in with precision. Once you drop down you see aki and the snipers, but you also see moe
>>9814383 and his squad for some reason.
>>9814384 >>9814383 Aki: "There you guys are. They're currently making their way here. They have a lot of firepower, and the leader seems to have some kind of armour on. Normal bullets don't affect it for some reason... I think it might be Arthas..."
You guys hear some gunshots and dying sounds coming from the barricade
Aki: "H-he's already here?"
>>9814388 You guys are able to get through all 4 barricades. You have one more explosive left for the last barricade and you've already killed all the guys at this one.
You lost 2 men on the way, and one is pretty injured. You yourself took some shots but your armour protected you. You're a little battered up, but good to go. Just beyond this barricade one is the bridge.
>>9814389 95
You watch them quietly. After scoping out the airship they go on the move again. They look back to see if they're being followed, and luckily don't spot you.
Now they're coming near a resistance squad. The resistance squad doesn't see them, and the arume seem to be going for some kind of sneak attack.
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 19:25:46 No. 9814449 Report >>9814439 >>9814440 >Run over to Aki "Do you know where he is?"
>>9814383 >Give those nigs a nod Guy
>>9814439 "I've played Flight Simulator for most of my life. Is that good enough?"
The Lieutenant
>>9814440 >Look at the very injured soldier ''Son, forgive me for this''
>Use his body as a meat shield for me >Plant the explosive on the last barricade >Retreat and Kaboom Caesar
>>9814439 >Curse the bot for being a nigger >Rip their organs out and steal the remote HALTON 2.0
>>9814439 Nod
Slowly juggle with my revolvers, getting ready for the inevitable shoot up
Jack ward
>>9814439 >keep going, don't question it. we are the mole. edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around ID:g0MwgBFh Sat 21 Mar 2020 19:32:15 No. 9814486 Report >>9814440 >get closer and draw my pistol "ARUME ARE ATTACKING WATCH OUT COMRADES!!!"
>shoot at them The Lieutenant
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 19:36:06 No. 9814502 Report Quoted By:
>>9814440 "Have you tried throwing a microwave at him yet?"
>Regret having dropped the rifle for a second "Everyone still carrying snipers, fire at the first armoured man you see. Anyone still carrying grenades, hand them over to someone without a rifle"
>>9814449 >Nod back Anonymous
>>9814449 70
jeremy runs over to aki who's currently behind cover from the barricade.
Jeremy: "Do you know where he is?"
Aki: "He must be just beyond that barricade..."
She readies her sniper.
Moe: "Have you tried throwing a microwave at him yet?"
Aki: "haha, very funny... I didn't get the chance to make another microwave bomb." She looks kinda sad.
Moe issues orders to his men: "Everyone still carrying snipers, fire at the first armoured man you see. Anyone still carrying grenades, hand them over to someone without a rifle"
Aki: "Luckily most of us are snipers here, so we should be able to handle his armour..."
You guys here another loud explosion, but can't see what's beyond the door.
You guys hear a familiar voice yell out from beyond the door. ''IS THIS A WAY TO GREET AN OLD FRIEND? FOUR BARRICADES AND A BUNCH OF ROOKIES?'' It's arthas's voice.
>>9814451 >>9814463 74 and 13
Chiyako sighs "Alright, guy will fly it. Try not to kill us all. Let's head out."
Halton 2.0 juggles his revolvers epicly as you guys go where the airships are fighting.
You guys pretend to be dead people while chiyako tries to get an airship to pick her up. There's bombs and debris dropping and shit, and guy almost gets hit a large piece of metal.
Eventually an airship does land to pick her up. She waits until the door opens...
>>9814474 2
Just as you guys are about to enter the secluded area you're stopped by someone.
"You there, just what do you think you're doing?"
She looks like a high ranking officer.
"That's not the way to the prison cells..."
upon seeing you guys closer she gets suspicious
"hmmm i've never seen you soldiers around on this ship have I? I would've recognized you if I saw you..."
>>9814486 25
you draw your pistol and attempt to warn your comrades.
These arume are way faster than anticipated and begin firing on the resistance squad and you. Some of the squad die, and luckily your vodka helps you to get down from the bullets.
You didn't get a chance to shoot on them because they started firing on you so quick.
>>9814457 40
The injured soliders you're grabbing: "W-wait stop!" He tries to struggle out of it, not making a very good shield.
You explode the last barricade. on the other side is the door to the bridge.
>>9814533 Keep juggling, shoot when the time is right
>>9814533 >Head in there guns blazing. Jack ward
>>9814535 >look at the officer your guess is as good as mine, perhaps the reason you don't recognize them is because they actually look decent. or perhaps they're newly moved from one of your other cruisers.
>>9814461 23
You get closer, but by the time you're close enough to rip and tear, the damage has been done. You are no longer able to move and then collapse. You're still alive though, but on the verge of death. With some sort of miraculous roll you might be able to come back and do an epic last stand or some shit, but your shit's fucked right now.
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 19:51:58 No. 9814792 Report >>9814533 >Grab my anti-material rifle again and ready it behind cover >>9814488 >Shout back to this nig "Why'd you come back, Arthas?"
The Lieutenant
>>9814535 >To all my soldiers, especially miller and pyle ''It's no surprise they're waiting for us at the other side and since avrod is just on the other side, i expect nothing less than a marching band''
''How many grenades,explosives gadgets you've got? loot any on the ground right now on three i'll open up the door a little and i want all of you throwing every single explosive,gadget,even blindly firing if you can, but do not expose yourself, after they're disoriented from the blast we will charge in''
''Got it?''
''Besides we might make this ship uncontrollable by exploding the bridge,might even fall''
>Approach the door carefully >Open it up a little without exposing myself >Throw any grenades i still have inside the bridge, order all my men to do the same >After they've all exploded let my men rush inside first and rush inside just after them shooting everything and everyone hoping to kill as many as i can and bring the ship down Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 19:52:59 No. 9814795 Report >>9814533 >Get an incendiary ready >If he's got armor it's bound to everheat eventually >>9814488 "I FULFILLED MY PART OF THE DEAL, KAFIR! YOU'VE FAILED TO CARRY YOURS OUT!"
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around ID:g0MwgBFh Sat 21 Mar 2020 19:53:02 No. 9814796 Report >>9814535 >quickly reposition and start taking shots The Lieutenant
>>9814792 ''Why? to end this facade once and for all, it's time you and your xeno sympathizers bled''
The Lieutenant
>>9814791 >REFUSE to die, Aki must be destroyed no matter what Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 19:56:23 No. 9814807 Report >>9814801 "Should be asking YOU that, kafaran! Do not think for a moment I've forgotten just who you went to for protection immediately after defecting."
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 19:57:29 No. 9814811 Report >>9814798 "Was this your doing?! The engine's destruction, the Arume attack?!"
The Lieutenant
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 20:15:14 No. 9815212 Report >>9814972 "Whatever you say. But I don't take kindly to traitors. If you want to end this farce you've imagined in your mind, then come here and I'll end it for you."
>>9814538 >>9814540 17 and 70
The door opens, but the surprise doesn't go as planned. The arume notices a juggling dead man and goes to shoot him, Halton tries to shoot her back but misses. Luckily guy is able to kill him and rushes in with chiyako. However, the airship begins taking off, and only chiyako is on board. Guy and Halton are left on the ground. You guys might make it on if you run and do some jackie chan shit.
>>9814546 20
Officer: "Shut up prisoner! No one asked you!"
Your man: "Uhhhh, w-we decided to have a make over. We've met before, but you just don't recognize us haha..."
Your soldiers sweat nervously
Officer: "I don't think a make over can make you have muscles... Seriously, who are you?"
Your soldiers don't know what to say
>>9814792 >>9814795 Everyone gets behind cover and waits. Avrod is in the very back to keep her safe. Jeremy pulls out his anti material rifle, and moe gets out an incendiary.
>>9814794 36
Unfortunately your men and you wasted most of your shit going through those 5 barricades. You don't have anymore explosives but you do have a couple flashbangs.
>>9814792 >>9814795 >>9814794 36 vs 97 and 73
Arthas moves up with his men and slightly opens the door to the bridge. A couple flashbangs are thrown in but the people in the bridge see it coming and duck so the flashbangs don't affect them too much.
Some of arthas's men rush in with arthas being last.
>>9814796 49
You take some shots but miss them all. Luckily though you're able to reposition and now you guys can sandwich the arume squad. Your resistance squad is on one side and you on the other. No one has been hit yet, it's pretty much a stalemate, but this sandwich tactic might change that.
>>9814805 25
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpGrXqb04WM You can't even move a muscle. Your vision fades and sad music plays in the background. You remember your chimp family and how your chimp brothers have suffered so much. As you reach the end, you see your chimp ghost buddies welcome you with open arms to chimp heaven. There you see joe rogan waiting for you. Joe rogan is dressed in a white robe and he hugs you.
Joe: "Good job buddy.. You did good... You teared them to shreds..."
A single tear runs down his cheek
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 20:19:25 No. 9815247 Report Quoted By:
>>9815238 juggle my guns into the airship and do a cho hogan jump into the airship
>>9815238 >Get to running and jump and grab onto anything I can get. Jack ward
>>9815238 >signal to my guys to act as if they're ground forces, and the mountain missions worked great for strength training. You asked a question, I was giving an answer. it's unladylike to shout like that too, madam.
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 20:24:01 No. 9815269 Report >>9815239 >Start shooting at them, aiming for any who are armoured with my anti-material rifle >Look around for Avrod "Avrod, just do what comes naturally! We're here to protect you, but we can't do it alone!"
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around ID:g0MwgBFh Sat 21 Mar 2020 20:25:35 No. 9815276 Report >>9815239 >continue shooting at them like a retard drunk The Lieutenant
>>9815239 >>9815212 >>9814807 ''You know colonel, how about we settle this one on one, this way you can vent all your rage upon me and avenge your old chief''
>Cocks shotgun ''The choice is yours''
>Shoot at jeremy as i approach him and try to dodge his bullets, let my men take care of the rest Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 20:29:03 No. 9815287 Report >>9815239 F
>Throw the incendiary towards Arthas' men and get the shotgun out during the confusion "Save your bullets for whoever's got armour. Everyone else, start shoo- Hold it for a moment, brothers"
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 20:31:02 No. 9815296 Report >>9815277 "Now's not the time, Arthas. If we both make it out alive, then we can have at it. This isn't a game, this is war."
The Lieutenant
>>9815296 ''Oh this is a game, a game which might very well help your side win the war''
''why dont you all take a look at this''
>Reach for my ammo pouch and grab the remains of the chip i stole from gregory ''If you agree to my proposal i shall give it to you once it is done, if you disagree i shall blow it up alongside the rest of this building
>Hold detonator on other hand ''So, what's it gonna be Colonel?''
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 20:39:43 No. 9815313 Report >>9815303 "You're bluffing! You haven't had enough time to plant explosives!"
The Lieutenant
>>9815313 ''Then take the risk and lose the war,i'll press this button and the chip,me, you and the ship will be gone''
''What's it gonna be colonel? my finger getting itchy''
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 20:44:27 No. 9815323 Report >>9815318 "It'll be you who loses. You'd be winning the war for the Arume, like the traitor you are!"
The Lieutenant
>>9815323 ''You and the arume are no different, the outcome will be the same for me''
''Not the same for you''
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 20:52:18 No. 9815343 Report >>9815333 "Fine, asshole! If you outlive your friends, then I'll beat the shit out of you and shoot you myself in a one on one!"
The Lieutenant
Quoted By:
>>9815250 >>9815251 You both run into the airship as its taking off. Halton makes it through the door but guy hangs off the edge.
Chiyako: "Jimbo!" She helps guy up as he you guys can hear arume approaching you from the cockpit.
>>9815267 your soldiers use your excuse and it works on the officer.
"Hmmm I have heard that mountain missions make you muscular. I better get some, i'm starting to get out of shape..."
She walks off and you guys head to the secluded area. Your men sigh in relief.
>>9815269 >>9815277 >>9815287 Jeremy starts shooting at arthas's men but can't find arthas because he's in the back. Aki, her snipers, and moe's men light the fuck up arthas's men. Moe throws a incendiary but it just hits ground and does nothing. Arthas's left with only 2 men and one is severly injured.
Arthas also tries to shoot at jeremy but can't see him well because he's in the back, and also jeremy has very good cover.
While all this happens Avrod just hides in the back covering her head from the loud noises.
>>9815276 4
You continue shooting at them and miss all teh shots. You get hit by a shot to the shoulder, but your vodka makes you immune to pain. Then you see a grenades roll over to your side.
Jack ward
>>9815353 alright boys, let's do this.
>get unbound, figure out where we are in the ship, get disguised myself if possible. HALTON 2.0
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 20:57:30 No. 9815364 Report >>9815353 >Bang bang, shoot shoot, kill his men "Keep up the pressure!"
The Lieutenant
>>9815353 ''This is it''
>Grab out my last flashbang >pull the pin >start running towards jeremy with the flashbang on my hand and push him and me out of the window Guy
>>9815353 >Clamber in and beat the shit out of any who remain. Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 21:00:09 No. 9815383 Report >>9815353 "Is a single working incendiary too much to ask for?"
>Throw a teargas grenade as far as I can, out of the room we're currently in >And start shooting Anonymous
>>9815358 81
You're able to find a spare uniform in one of the closets. The engine room is nearby but to get there you'll have to pass a bunch of arume.
>>9815362 51
>>9815372 79
Halton begins shooting but luckily doesn't hit anywhere on the ship. He kills one dude, while guy cqc's another nigga and kill her. Chiyako goes and kills the last one. All that's left is to fly the ship.
>>9815364 >>9815369 >>9815383 dubs 81 and 40
Moe throws a tear gas which fucks up arthas and his men's vision. This causes arthas to blindly charge in like a mad man and attack jeremy. They both get pushed out the window. The rest of the resistance snipers finish off arthas's blinded men.
>>9815383 Aki: "What the!? Shit! They'll die from this height!"
She goes out and looks through the window.
Aki: "Moe, we have to-"
>KABOOOM a huge explosion gets dropped on the bridge from an enemy airship it got dropped right where avrod was. You and everyone else got knocked back but didn't die.
>>9815364 >>9815369 As you guys are falling to your death and about to hit the ground, you fall on top of some random arume airship flying by, preventing you both from dying. It continues flying not noticing that two niggas just fell on their airship.
The Lieutenant
>>9815416 >Slowly gets up ''Lucky Devil''
''This is it Colonel, Our final Dance''
>Unsheathes Chainsword ''MEET YOUR END''
>Charge at jeremy with my chainsword and slash at his shoulder Guy
>>9815416 >Quickly get to the controls and begin piloting to the airship. HALTON 2.0
'Does anyone got explosives?'
Jack ward
>>9815416 >blend in, try to find a way past without going too far into a crowd. Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 21:20:27 No. 9815455 Report >>9815416 >>9815429 "What the-!"
>Get ahold of something so that I don't fall off and pull myself to my feet >Swing my rifle at his chainsword, gripping it tightly with my robot hand, to knock it out of his hands and send my rifle flying as well >Then kick him backwards "I'll have you know I'm a General. Aki offered me the position as Commander, but I turned her down . . . because I trust her, I trust all of the men and women in the Resistance! Trust is obviously something you lack!"
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 21:22:41 No. 9815468 Report >>9815416 "Fuck!"
>Jump to my feet and retrieve the loli's remains >If she's dead, then that duel's worthless... The Lieutenant
>>9815455 ''I Trusted them well enough too, that was until we had to work with them, the same people that were shooting us not a day before the mission''
''Work alongside them? treat like they were one of us? i'd rather not trust or work for such an organization anymore''
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around ID:g0MwgBFh Sat 21 Mar 2020 21:27:46 No. 9815485 Report >>9815353 >jump away and hide Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 21:28:38 No. 9815489 Report >>9815481 "So what, you'd rather fight us because you're unable to see the change in people?! You were my friend, an ally! You were supposed to destroy the Arume, not help them!"
The Lieutenant
Quoted By:
>>9815489 ''There was no change, all there ever was infiltration, they infiltrated the resistance, they were pulling the strings, controlling us''
''Greg wouldn't listen and he left me no choice, now its over for me and for humanity, but before i go i'd see you and your girlfriend DEAD''
>>9815432 >>9815442 59
Halton: 'Does anyone got explosives?'
Chiyako: "Huh? No, but there should be some stored in this airship. Why?"
Guy begins piloting the airship towards the resistance airship. The ride is extremely bumpy and scary since the nigga never piloted a ship before, but it gets to the location at least.
From the distance you guys can see the resistance bridge all blown up.
Chiyako: "What the... They better be alright... Land us closer jimbo!"
>>9815429 >>9815455 30 vs 98
Luckily the airship seems to be damaged so its moving at an extremely slow pace, making it easy to stand on.
Arthas unsheathes his chainsword and charges at Jeremy. Jeremy uses his rifle to swing at arthas's chainsword, but the chainsword chain part causes jeremy to lose grip of the rifle. He drops it, and the sword slices along shoulder.
>>9815468 65
You get up to your feet and see the loli remains. She's all bloody but her body luckily isn't split apart or anything. Her wounds are beginning to heal. Then her eyes open, but her expression looks kind of different from before.
Aki crawls over
Aki: "Sh-she's alright..."
Avrod: "I think I remember a little now..."
Out of nowhere some arume drop in with the ropes like in the movies and rappel down in the cockpit. They begin opening fire on you guys. They're the same guys that dropped the bomb.
Aki: "Dammit!"
>>9815444 71
Luckily the arume are still retarded and don't notice anything that off about you. You guys continue to the engine room, taking a route where there's less of a crowd. You're finally at the entrance of the engine room, but there's some guards at the entrance that seem to not be letting people in. Only authorized people can get in.
>>9815485 5
You're not able to jump away fast enough. The explosion fucks you up good, but thanks to your vodka you're still able to move a little and fight. The explosion fucking up your ribs badly, and your left arm.
the resistance squad push forward to give you a little space.
>>9815528 'We might have to break through some walls or maybe hide bombs in corpses, who knows.'
Follow their lead
>>9815528 >Land this baby like a goddamn action movie. The Lieutenant
>>9815528 >Kick the rifle out of the ship ''You were always a weak one Colonel, always relying on your subordinates to do your dirty work''
''Let's see how you do without your trinkets''
>Kick his chest >Slash at his robo eye Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 21:45:39 No. 9815551 Report >>9815528 "One of you, pick both of them up and get them somewhere safer! Everyone else, start killing!"
>Follow my own fucking orders and start murdering the Arume before they get their boots on the ground Jack ward
>>9815528 huh, shit. looks like we'll need some credientials to get in. you guys got any ideas on where to get some?
>take ideas Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 21:48:50 No. 9815562 Report >>9815547 >>9815528 "Arrgh! Right back at you!"
>Punch his hands as hard as I can with my metal fist to make his drop stupid faggy basedence sword >Then, punch his stupid fucking "horn" into his head >Use my epic eye to react to his attacks and dodge Anonymous
>>9815539 >>9815543 98
Chiyako throws Halton some c4 and grenades while guy tries to land the airship.
now that you guys are closer, you can see arume rappelling down into the airship cockpit.
Chiyako: "Dammit! we might be too late!"
Guy makes a perfect landing while hitting the ship the arume are rappelling from, causing them to shake and hit the walls of the airship.
Chiyako: "I don't know if you did that on purpose but nice! Let's get in there!"
>>9815551 74
The arume rappelling down crash into the walls for some reason. It seems something hit their airship as they were rappelling down. (It was these niggas
>>9815543 >>9815539 )
You're able to shoot up the arume with your men since they crashed, but more are on their way. When one of your men tries to take avrod away, she instinctively defends herself against him even though he was trying to help. She somehow throws him into a wall.
Your man: "W-what!? How are you so strong!? I was trying to help you!"
Avrod: "I'm sorry.. I don't need help anymore... You should get into safety..."
>>9815556 80
"hmmm wot if.. one of us distracted them while someone else sneaks in?"
"That's a great idea, half of us should make a diversion. Then the other half along with the captain can go in! What do you think sarge?"
>>9815562 >>9815547 62 and dubs
Arthas kicks his rifle off the ship, and then kicks his chest knocking him back. But as the kick came, Jeremy used his strong metal arm to punch the sword out of arthas's hand. That sword too, falls off the airship.
Jeremy is on his back now from the kick.
Jack ward
>>9815596 that's a good idea, but we don't want anyone to get their cover blown. you guys think you're competent enough to keep them occupied?
The Lieutenant
>>9815596 ''Impressive colonel, but allow me''
>Punch at the wound in his shoulder >Then with my left hand grab his remaining eye and gouge it Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 22:00:02 No. 9815878 Report >>9815596 >Jump back on my feet so quickly that he can't react >Punch him in the gut with my metal fist "You feel that?! I got these scars from fighting the Arume, you should try it some time!"
>>9815596 >Get my guns and head in. Focus on the job at hand at get to Aki and Jeremy. The Lieutenant
>>9815878 ''I've killed more of em than you can ever imagine colonel, in this question you're way out of your league''
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around ID:g0MwgBFh Sat 21 Mar 2020 22:02:20 No. 9815892 Report >cant stop wont stop, take a sip, keep looking for cover and try to shoot
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 22:02:58 No. 9815896 Report >>9815596 "... If she can move by herself, you'll be more useful fighting by our side. Pick your rifle back up!"
>Don't let up, and thank Allah for their fortuitous wall-slamming Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 22:13:13 No. 9817010 Report >>9815890 "Then why do you help them? You still haven't told me. Destroying the Resistance will do nothing for you, in time it'll only bring hurt."
The Lieutenant
>>9817010 ''We haven't bled enough, their empire is fragile, it will crumble soon''
''However shall we lose and witness the true cruelty of their empire, then and only then, will we have the will, the strength and the motivation to exterminate their kind''
''Your co-existance plan will only bring the doom of our species''
>>9815603 "Heh, we always get yelled at by the commander for distracting other soldiers. We got this sarge, you can count on us. We're all gonna end this war, and when it's done we're gonna have a drink together."
"That's right, this is in our hands now. If we can take out this airship we'll be heroes..."
"It's been an honour serving with you men..." The men start getting chocked up.
>>9815873 >>9815878 9 and 46
Arthas goes to punch him, but Jeremy jumps back on his feet so quickly he can't react in that big ass armour of his. He punches him with his metal fist to the head. It hurts because of how strong his arm is, but not that much because of his helmet.
>>9815892 72
You take another SIP, and keep switching cover while shooting. You kill one of them, and the resistance kill another. There's only three left now. The arume begin trying to change location and get a better position by running and firing.
>>9815888 29
You head inside and see the arume rappelling down are all shot dead, but more are coming from the airship above. Furthermore you don't see jeremy, you only see a very injured aki. you also see this nigga
>>9815896 and a loli. Some shots are fired from the airship above and you get hit in the shoulder and arm.
>>9815896 6
all of a sudden this nigga
>>9815888 this nigga
>>9815539 and a girl jump into the cockpit. You have no idea who these guys are and if they're friendly or not. One of them gets shot, and you try to fire back at the arume but the pain from the explosion is fucking up your aim. You get shot along with him. In the eye and in the upper chest near the shoulder.
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 22:24:38 No. 9817057 Report >>9817029 >>9817048 "I've seen enough blood, Arthas; Henry Gabber, Corporal Frog, Dan Quake, Liquid Anon, Private Woods, Private Bird, Punished Anon, Toucan . . . Jim and Halton . . . and Gregory. They're all fucking dead! Now it's just you and me left, but only one of us is making it out of here alive . . . And, I pray for humanity's sake, that it's not you."
*Puts on shades*
>Make a face like pic related "I'm starting to get used to this whole getting betrayed thing."
>Kick his legs to make him fall over under the weight of his armour >Then, pull out my knife and cut his armour's straps to make it fall off Jack ward
>>9817048 Good luck soldiers. you're doing our planet proud.
>salute them, and get into position. The Lieutenant
>Grab the hand he's using to stab me and twitch it, breaking it >Then punch his face and get up Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 22:27:23 No. 9817067 Report >>9817048 "Fuck it! Oh well, live like Ali..."
>Suppress a grunt of pain and aim at the arume with my good arm "..:And die like Husayn."
>Use the arm closest to the chest wound to grab a grenade. If it doesn't work as a deterrent against whoever these faggots are, it'll help me take them down if they're hostile >>9817047 >>9815888 "If you're not hostiles, fall in line. If you are..."
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 22:28:20 No. 9817074 Report Quoted By:
>>9817064 "Says the one who pulled out a sword!"
>>9817067 "This is hardly the time to go about semantics!
>Power through the pain. "I have a message from General Alice of the Arume with the utmost importance."
>>9817048 >Shot back with my good arm. Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 22:40:07 No. 9817115 Report Quoted By:
>>9817090 "...Ascertaining whether you're trying to kill us or not is hardly semantics. But you've yet to train your sights on us, so go ahead and deliver the message. Aki can't be too fat"
>>9817058 They salute you back and then you all get into position.
Three soldiers go to do the distraction, and the two other soldiers go with you.
"Oh god! I just shit my pants everyone!"
"What!? Don't yell it out loud ya fool!"
"That's right! Whenever I shit myself I never tell anyone!"
"What!? How often do you shit yourself?"
All the arume turn and look at this retardation, allowing you and your two men to sneak in epicly. You're in now, and there's some arume engineers around, but they pay not attention to you.
>>9817057 >>9817064 Jeremy kicks arthas's legs making him fall, then pulls out his knife and goes to cut his armour straps.
He cuts off the top part off the very top part of the chest and the helmet falls along with it.
Arthas then grabs jeremy's hand and tries breaking it, but has trouble breaking the metal hand. By grabbing the hand though, he's preventing jeremy from cutting anymore of his armour.
>>9817067 >>9817090 65 and 29
Moe grabs a grenade to use against the new literally whos. Halton, Guy and Chiyako shoot back at the arume rappelling down and manage to kill most of them for now.
Aki: "Wh-what!? Who are you people? Alice? what are you talking about? She's dead!"
The Lieutenant
>>9817123 >Throw the knife away >Then start punching jeremy in the chest and in the face Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 22:43:59 No. 9817132 Report >>9817123 >>9817064 "What's the matter, cat got your tongue?"
>Throat punch him with my free hand >Then, jump backwards while he's stunned to avoid any counter attack Jack ward
>>9817123 >try to find an area which isn't being watched, we'll get caught instantly if someone notices the bomb edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around ID:g0MwgBFh Sat 21 Mar 2020 22:45:50 No. 9817139 Report >>9817123 >dont let them do that (by killing them) Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 22:49:32 No. 9817148 Report >>9817123 >Have my men keep holding their position and killing whatever ayys are still trying to land "What the fuck is going on now? Ah, anyone here got some bandages? The kuffar got my fucking eye and shot through the side of my chest"
>>9817123 >Fuck it. Show her the hologram message or whatever. "Look. And call me Guy. Guy Black."
>>9817131 >>9817132 69 and 49
Before arthas is able to punch jeremy back, Jeremy quickly punches him in the throat with his free hand, then jumps back before Arthas can do anything. Jeremy drops the knife though while getting back up. The throat punch makes it slightly harder to breathe for arthas.
>>9817133 dubs
You find the perfect spot to plant the bomb. No one is around and if you plant the bomb here it would blow up the rest of the engine.
>>9817139 83
You pull some epic rambo tier shit on them and kill the other two while being exploded by the grenade, and the resistance squad kill the last one.
You collapse with exhaustion though. You're body is really taking a toll right now. The only thing to stop it is more drink :yh
The resistance soldiers begin running up to you.
>>9817148 >>9817153 >>9817157 Moe and his men kill the remaining arume rappelling down.
Moe: "What the fuck is going on now? Ah, anyone here got some bandages? The kuffar got my fucking eye and shot through the side of my chest"
Moe's man: "I honestly have no idea anymore..." He hands him some bandages. "Who are these people?"
Halton DOESN'T shoot up the place, and Aki and Moe watch what guy is showing. He pulls out a techpad and a lifesize hologram alice shows up.
Aki: "N-no way!"
Alice: "Hey Aki! Long time no see. You don't look so good..."
Jack ward
>>9817193 >plant the bomb, set it so I can trigger the bomb when we leave the ship. >now then, sneak back out The Lieutenant
>>9817193 ''ENOUGH''
>Grab Jeremy throat with my right hand ''I SHALL CARVE YOU INTO THIS AIRSHIP''
>Slam his body into the ground repeatedly HALTON 2.0
>>9817193 WHAT IS GOING ON
see shit go down
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 23:08:35 No. 9817219 Report >>9817193 "Fuck if I know..."
>Get myself patched up, reload and put my grenade away for the time being >Check whether removing my eye straight up and stuffing it with bandages to stop the bleeding is viable edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around ID:g0MwgBFh Sat 21 Mar 2020 23:09:14 No. 9817220 Report "One... more... sip...">have a sip and let myself be rescued
>>9817193 >Keep an eye for anything amiss as they talk. Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 23:09:39 No. 9817222 Report >>9817205 >>9817193 "You're letting your rage win, Arthas! You are lost! Alone! You were devoured by your uncertainty and fear!"
>Let him slam me into the airship once "You were like a brother to me, Arthas! Remember when we infiltrated that city together, alone, just the two of us?!"
>Another slam "I was forced to split from you, by those other soldiers in there, I know it must've looked bad at the time, but I trusted you, Arthas, TRUSTED! I knew you'd make it out!"
>Grab his hand, that he's holding me with, with my metal hand "But now you've gone too far."
>Break his wrist The Lieutenant
>>9817222 ''YOU LEFT ME TO DIE''
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 23:14:37 No. 9817460 Report >>9817454 "I'm sorry, it's all my fault . . ."
The Lieutenant
>>9817460 ''IT'S YOUR FAULT?''
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 23:19:22 No. 9817474 Report >>9817467 "We almost died saving the Commander of the Resistance, a valiant sacrifice! One for humanity!"
The Lieutenant
Quoted By:
>>9817202 69
you plant the bomb so that it triggers when you leave the ship, then sneak back out. Once you sneak out you see those three men in trouble.
It looks like some officer is scolding them.
Officer: "State your name and platoon now!"
"uhhhh aki... and platoon 4..."
The man beside you: "Dammit! They're TOO much of a distraction... What do we do now?"
>>9817219 Your men help you get patched up while you reload and put away your grenade.
They stuff your eye with bandages to stop the bleeding.
>>9817210 >>9817221 >>9817219 Aki: "You were dead! Halton killed you!"
Alice: "No... He killed a double. Now you should listen to what I have to say. I'm sure you'd wanna hear it..."
Aki: "..."
Alice: "While I pretended to be dead, I had a lot of time on my hands. I found out a lot about avrod and..."
Upon hearing her name avrod pops her head up and sees what's going on
Avrod: "What do you know about me?"
Alice: "Huh? Is that her?"
Alice looks stumped. It looks like she stopped what she was gonna say right after she saw Avrod.
Alice: "Where's Jeremy?"
Aki: "H-he's dead..." Aki looks like she boutta cry or summit
Alice: "I see... I'm gonna send a ship to pick you up. It's better to tell you this in person... Don't shoot."
Aki: "A-alright..."
Aki doesn't seem like herself. Normally she wouldn't accept Alice picking her up, but something is off.
>BOUTTA HAPPEN.JPE >>9817205 >>9817222 dubs vs 94
Arthas grabs Jeremy by the neck and begins slamming him down into the airship. On the second slam Jeremy grabs his wrist and breaks through the armour epicly. Then he breaks his wrist, making that hand unable to pick things up. He lets go of Jeremy's neck.
Quoted By:
>>9817220 100
You take one last sip to keep your strength and then you see the men coming to rescue you. it's
they're all crying manly tears once they see you and speak in russian.
They all hug you together, and the hug is so tight it's hurting your wounds.
>>9817484 Nod
'Time to board off this shit show, my hands ache for so much juggling'
Jack ward
>>9817484 let me handle this guys.
>signal at the two to act like I'm their superior SO THIS IS WHERE YOU'VE BEEN? HARASSING THE GUARDS?
sorry officer, those two miscrents are with me. I've been sent by my captain to find the troublemakers.
The Lieutenant
>Punch jeremy face with my unbroken hand ''AND WITH MY LEGS''
>Kick jeremy away >unbreak my fucking wrist at least to a point i can still punch with it Guy
>>9817484 >>9817488 "Well then. Let's leave as soon as possible. This place looks like its gonna fall apart any minute now."
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 23:29:33 No. 9817503 Report >>9817484 >>9817492 "I gave you my apology, now take my parting gift to you, old friend."
>Move my head to the side so that he punches the airship instead >Whip out my pistol, while he recoils in pain >Point it at his chest >Bang bang bang >Three bullets in the heart "I'm gonna end this war if it's the last thing I do. For the human race."
>Shed a tear - even though I hated him in the end, we had some good times together Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 23:32:18 No. 9817508 Report >>9817484 "...Brothers, prepare for conflict, but don't open fire unless we're being threatened directly. Something big is about to happen, and by Allah we mustn't let it catch us off-guard"
>>9817491 79
Officer: "So you're in charge of them huh? Well you better discipline them! They are not what an arume soldier is supposed to act like!"
It seems she's buying your lie for now.
Officer: "Well take them to the brig for now I guess. I'm done here."
She says to you.
The three men are in relief.
>>9817492 >>9817503 16 and 9
Arthas is not able to unbreak his wrist somehow, so he punches him with the other hand and kicks him away.
You both are apart now, and both are to the point where you're exhausted. Jeremy was hopping off of airships and shit before this, and arthas was fighting through the barricades. That, plus this fight is taking a toll on both of your bodies. It's like in the animes when both guys are about to collapse with exhaustion, but keep fighting.
>>9817488 While you guys are waiting for the airship Aki speaks to you.
Aki: "Hey, aren't you the guy that saved me before? What are you doing here now?"
>>9817508 "Yes. Be weary of this Alice lady. She is known to be a trickster."
Your men are all ready to fuck shit up if shit goes down.
"What's the plan sir? Who do we shoot when the time comes?"
>>9817498 Chiyako: "hey, is your memory starting to come back now? You said you used to play flight simulators..."
>>9817508 >>9817498 >>9817488 A small arume airship comes to the bridge to pick you guys up. You all head inside, however Alice isn't in there.
Pilot: "Alice is in the main ship, I'm here to pick you guys up and bring you there."
>>9817539 'Kind of got dragged into a party that I cant leave'
Get in
'What about you?'
Jack ward
>>9817539 let's get back to the hanger guys, we got a mission to complete.
>retrace our steps to the hangers and get a ship off this doomed slab of soon-to-be slag. The Lieutenant
>>9817539 >Punch the gun away from his hand >Do an exhausted punch against his face >Keep punching and punching Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sat 21 Mar 2020 23:50:46 No. 9817557 Report >>9817539 "Whoever points a gun at you is to be given a swift death. If they try to take a hostage then they're also to be executed."
>Get into the airship warily "What about Avrod? Surely we can neither leave her alone nor bring her straight into the Arume's main ship?"
>>9817539 "Huh... I suppose it is."
>Hop in the ship and get comfy. "What a day..."
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sat 21 Mar 2020 23:53:00 No. 9817569 Report >>9817549 >>9817539 >Heh, he never said I pulled ut the gun >Raise my guard and protect my face (But, more importantly, protect my shades) >After he makes a sloppy punch, drop low and liver punch him edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around ID:g0MwgBFh Sat 21 Mar 2020 23:57:17 No. 9817583 Report >>9817539 "C-comrades!! Iam so happy to see you! But please I need treatment first! I feel like I will explode!"
>>9817545 Aki: "Yeah.. Something like that for me as well..."
>JUST "Although you've come a long way from someone roaming the desert, to someone working for Alice..."
>>9817547 72
You get back to the vehicle bay as quickly as you can and begin flying off.
Soldier: "whew... we actually made it... I thought I was gonna die back there..."
Soldier: "Yeah, we can actually have that drink..."
soldier: "I brought some liquor if you guys want some now..."
"What!? we can't drink in the middle of a battle you idiot!"
You guys wait for the hangar doors to open...
>>9817549 >>9817569 19 and 72
Arthas throws a flurry of tired punches at Jeremy. They don't have as much power in them as before, but they still do a lot of damage.
Jeremy tries to go low and do a liver punch, but it's blocked by the armour. Only the upper portion of the armour was broken, and jeremy is too exhausted to make the punch as powerful as before. He keeps getting pummeled.
>>9817583 10
They begin treating you for a little while and then stand you back up.
Just then you feel a sharp pain all over your body. Your body tenses up and you drop your special vodka. It's some of the worst pain you've ever felt.
The vodka side effects are now kicking in full force.
>>9817557 Your men all nod in agreement to the plan.
Pilot: "Alice said to bring her on..."
Aki: "It's okay, she'll be fine... she's survived two bombs..." Aki is still out of it.
>>9817545 >>9817557 >>9817561 The airship takes off towards Alice's airship. But you notice it isn't going to one of the main three airships that are attacking the base. It flies past all of them and goes to one hidden a bit further away. It lands in the vehicle bay and Moe notices the arume here aren't the same ones attacking the resistance. These ones have different uniforms. The pilot leads you towards Alice.
>>9817561 Chiyako: "So... What else do you remember? Any family members?"
Jack ward
>>9817613 just wait until we get off this ship before we celebrate a hard BS'd victory.
>once the hanger opens, get calmly on a ship to pilot, and GET OUT OF HERE. Guy
>>9817616 "You know that Jim Black guy you guys mentioned? I think I've met him before."
>>9817613 'Really dont know who is she, but she might be a big fellow (for me)'
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sun 22 Mar 2020 00:15:57 No. 9817676 Report >>9817616 >Speak to my men in as low a voice as possible "...Something's off here. Aki's out of it, Avrod is strangely lucid and even the Arume are acting strange."
>Nervously grasp one of my grenades, just in case "This might be a new hope for us, or it might mean that we'll be dead before we see tomorrow's sun... Just remember, martyrdom is the gate and path to life. Don't fear it, but don't force it either"
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sun 22 Mar 2020 00:17:02 No. 9817679 Report >>9817613 >Give him a big ol punch with all the strength I can muster edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around ID:g0MwgBFh Sun 22 Mar 2020 00:17:48 No. 9817682 Report >>9817613 >pick up the vodka and siiiiip "Its nothing comrades! Lets go!"
The Lieutenant
>>9817613 >Punch him with all strength left in me Anonymous
>>9817627 61
You're able to fly off and just as you do, you guys hear the fireworks.
It's a truly beautiful sound.
Your men start jumping up and down cheering. 6 men have just taken down an entire air fortress on their own.
You guys watch the air fortress from the windows. It slowly aims goes downwards, and when it hits the ground a huge explosion happens. It's absolutely glorious. The shockwave of the explosion rocks your small little airship. Two of three of the air fortresses are down. Now the resistance and Arume stand on equal ground.
All of a sudden a radio transmission comes in from somewhere. You have no idea where and the voice of the speaker sounds familiar...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzLhXesNkCI "Allow me to clear something up first. I *am* the real Alice. I never died. Halton only killed a double. It was my plan for people to think I was dead, that way I had the ability to freely do whatever I want to do..."
>>9817628 Chiyako: "You did? I was thinking he might be your brother or something... That's why I was asking if you remembered anything... Well what do you remember about him?"
>>9817631 Aki: "Oh she is... She made a lot of trouble for us back in the day. We thought Halton killed her, but she's a tricky one... In the end Halton was the one with a bullet in his head, and not her... How sad..."
>>9817676 "It seems Aki is sad about Jeremy's death, and something happened to avrod during the explosion... But you're right this is very strange..."
"Especially Alice's behaviour.. Did you see how she stopped what she was going to say when she saw Avrod? What could it mean..."
>>9817628 >>9817631 >>9817676 You go through the ship into a dark looking office. Alice waits there with some armed guards, probably for her protection.
Alice: "Welcome. Avrod, it's good to finally meet you. Your clothes are in horrible shape from that explosion... Why don't you go with Anna to get a change of clothes and freshen up?"
Avrod: "Uhh okay..."
Avrod exits the room with her.
Alice addresses all you now "Forgive me. I can't have Avrod learning what I have to say..."
she sits down on her chair dramatically
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzLhXesNkCI "Allow me to clear something up first. I *am* the real Alice. I never died. Halton only killed a double. It was my plan for people to think I was dead, that way I had the ability to freely do whatever I want to do..."
>>9817682 5
You're in so much pain you can't even get the words out. They have no idea what to do.
Then all of a sudden a radio message comes in on all of your radios at the same time. You have no idea who it's from
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzLhXesNkCI "Allow me to clear something up first. I *am* the real Alice. I never died. Halton only killed a double. It was my plan for people to think I was dead, that way I had the ability to freely do whatever I want to do..."
>>9817679 >>9817686 You two go for one last punch. The both fists hit each other epicly like in that one metal gear solid fight. You two pause for a minute trying to catch your breath, and then go again. But as soon as you start to fight again a radio transmission comes in from somewhere. You have no idea who its from, but a familiar voice speaks.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzLhXesNkCI "Allow me to clear something up first. I *am* the real Alice. I never died. Halton only killed a double. It was my plan for people to think I was dead, that way I had the ability to freely do whatever I want to do..."
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around
edgelord the edgiest edgemaster around ID:g0MwgBFh Sun 22 Mar 2020 00:38:53 No. 9818005 Report Quoted By:
>>9817943 "What are you doing comrads?! I need medicine!! And who the fuck is Alice?!"
>just try to treat myself Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych
Muhammad Ali Abbas Yahya Ibn Khaldun Kemal Pasha Abadi Bani Quraych ID:58agR+r2 Sun 22 Mar 2020 00:40:36 No. 9818021 Report Quoted By:
>>9817940 "Avrod is what the Arume came for in the first place. I don't know why, but maybe she wants her as a bargaining chip..."
>>9817943 >Pretend I can actually recognise her just so I don't feel left out >And keep fiddling around with the grenade beneath my robes >Paranoia is a virtue Guy
Quoted By:
>>9817940 "He was a bit headstrong, but he was a good guy. Always wanted the best for those around him."
>Relax against a wall while Alice talks. Jack ward
Quoted By:
>>9817940 ...I think I know that name from somewhere, long dead resistance leader.
Hey boys, we've got a dead lady walking apparently. Her name's Alice.
>follow the signal, find Alice Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sun 22 Mar 2020 00:43:01 No. 9818190 Report >>9817943 >>9817686 >Stop fighting for a moment >Fall on my ass, tired "Did she say . . . Alice?"
The Lieutenant
>>9817949 >>9818190 ''What!?''
>Go out on a fit of rage and start punching the airship floor >Silence >gain back my composure >Look to Jeremy ''I don't like you one bit Jeremy, but i'll be damned if i let this devil live before i die''
''You got yourself a truce... for now''
>Offer my hand for him to get up Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert
Expert Sniper General Jeremy "Demon "Semon" Eye" Gigglebert ID:fN5J9ihp Sun 22 Mar 2020 00:50:30 No. 9818237 Report Quoted By:
>>9818190 >>9817949 >>9818216 >Look down at my metal hand, splayed open >Clench it into a fist "It looks like we've got one more mission to do."
>Take his hand as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec0XKhAHR5I starts playing