>>9826261Literally Russia is gone. Russian zoomers are the worst and most degenerate, cucked and weak generation and are the reason why Russia will collapse. They're ok with LGBT, SJW, trannies, race-mixing, globohomo, diversity, mass immigration, islamization, multi-culti, radical feminism and gender bullshit. If you say you are Russian nationalist your people will call you fascist, nazi, racist and report you to police. Most Russian girls are race mixers, feminism is the default position. In Russian society having gf is finding as something prestigious, which is already not normal. You can only vote for Putin in elections. Nobody even talks about migrant crimes anymore they happen so often.
Our women are sluts for every non-white man, our women hate us, we are ruled by Jews and traitors, our average wage is 300 euro, our cities are controlled by ethnic gangs, our country is the home of the biggest muslim population in Europe, our demographics are some of the worst in the world, and we will be minority in a next decade.
It can't be worse than being a Russian male in Russia. The young generation is mostly incels hated by Russian girls, having low-paying jobs with no prospects in life.
We have more muslims than Germany, the UK, France and Sweden combined and we are the ultimate cuckold: beaten by muslims, hated by our own women and still proud about muh Russia.