[19 / 8 / ?]
>Bought dakimakura a long time ago, just the pillow no cover
>put it in my wardrobe
>mom found out
>oh shiet
>tell her that it can be put to trash
>said it is nothin
>she persists, because we pay a fine for not segragating she can't just put it to trash
>I say it is cotton
>I then say it is just a back sleep pillow
>she have ignored the blatant lie, wants to use the cotton in it to stuff some pillows
I forgot my brothers aren't around they would knew what it was, so I am on a clear.
I bought it just to fuck around and cringe around university(well I would buy some cover later) and put her in front of a lecture with a laptop to "type on" and shit.
Gotta go downstrairs eat.
>put it in my wardrobe
>mom found out
>oh shiet
>tell her that it can be put to trash
>said it is nothin
>she persists, because we pay a fine for not segragating she can't just put it to trash
>I say it is cotton
>I then say it is just a back sleep pillow
>she have ignored the blatant lie, wants to use the cotton in it to stuff some pillows
I forgot my brothers aren't around they would knew what it was, so I am on a clear.
I bought it just to fuck around and cringe around university(well I would buy some cover later) and put her in front of a lecture with a laptop to "type on" and shit.
Gotta go downstrairs eat.