>>9880363It also seems to have been progressive. It used to be that women were very feminine and men were very masculine, but both were quite modest. Then the free love movement got rid of modesty and made female sexuality a virtue and put it before male sexuality. Then with female sexuality at the forefront, men became more feminine and metrosexual to make it less polarized, but women continued to get more sexualized with skimpy clothes, make-up, crazy dyed hair becoming normal. With the only mainstream examples of sexiness being hyperfeminine women and demasculated men, a generation grew up with the only examples of sexy people in media as hyperfeminine, learning to associate femininity exclusively with sexuality and morphing their bodies and psyches to fit that.
At least, that's what I've noticed. The only way to fix everyone being a faggot is, ironically, making guys more sexy and women less sexy so that guys will want to be sexy guys instead of trying to be sexy women