>>9889246I didn't know how to manage my electrolytes
when I tried keto back in Dec.
Most people who've tried to live on fat alone
didn't watch their electrolytes and it raised their blood pressure.
Potassium is vital. Get unsalted butter.
I've had no carbs for several weeks now,
I ate 3 sticks of butter Fri and weighed 191lb.
I now weigh 187.
You can eat tons of fat and won't gain any weight.
The ribose in protein's ribonucleate
converts to sugar via glycogenesis happening in the liver
which means protein can make you fat.
The iron in meat accumulates in your body,
as it has no way to excrete it, which damages tissues and organs.
NoSalt Salt Alternative (KCl instead of NaCl) sprinkled into
egg whites cooked with copious butter is the healthiest meal in the world.
It gives you vital potassium. 15000mg a day is perfectly safe if your kidneys work.
All the nutrients the body needs are known and can be acquired via supplements.
Organic rose hip vitamin C has the flavenoids which activate ascorbate.
Excess pyridoxine can damage your nerves, so I buy each B vitamin separately
except for an organic NutriGold B complex supplement with 650% B6
which I take a quarter of to get only 162.5% of the daily req.