>>9895251From the ashes you rise again like a phoenix and become a freemason and a kabbalist but mostly a satanist.
Look into the concept of the phoenix, its origin and use.
Freemasonry, just as other kabbalah entities, want to destroy to rebuild.
Indeed "destroy and rebuild" is the basis of almost any conspiracy and theory.
Thus why you satanic mason faggots project such images and ideas on the people.
However periodical cicadas are supposed to come out only every so and so years.
This yar is one of them where a huge majority of Cicadas shall come out, just do get lost for another cycle again some later.
You want to take advantage of that, to brainwash some.
you want to make it look like an unexpected situation, and show it to simple people and say "this is a sign" and maybe "this is a symbol".
But yet it is only the cycle of nature and verily expected.
You do this in an effort to hope to program people once and in opposition to God for twice.
Thrice you are parasites and will fall.
http://www.gardenersnet.com/atoz/cicada.htmAlso with all the satanism Johnny Cash might has been involved in.
God's gonna cut you down:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQTCS6aWRScNo to Freemasonry, No to Tikkun Olam, No to the evil satanic tricks and whistles.
And now get lost you abomination.