I have found an actual connection between the GATE program and Psychic Government research.
You can see here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2Gog3xMluA [Embed] at around 10:33. A british doctor using Zener Cards to conduct psychic experiments
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zener_cards Zener cards are cards used to conduct experiments for extrasensory perception (ESP) or clairvoyance. Perceptual psychologist Karl Zener (1903–1964) designed the cards in the early 1930s for experiments conducted with his colleague, parapsychologist J. B. Rhine (1895–1980).
The Zener cards are a deck of twenty five cards, five of each symbol. The five symbols are: a hollow circle, a plus sign, three vertical wavy lines, a hollow square, and a hollow five-pointed star.[3][4] They are used to test for ESP.
WHY would a children's school program be using these same cards and try to get kids to guess the correct symbol??? Could it be that the US gov was searching the populace in order to produce a new psychic soldier? To me it seems very likely. Training psi from childhood would be obviously advantageous. Can anyone else confirm they saw these cards in the program?
I JUST WANT TO REITERATE. Just so everyone is clear, The Zener cards are designed the way they are because it is believed the distinct shapes on each of the cards makes it easier to psychically read. that is why they use those specific symbols. So what were they trying to learn about us? What did they learn?
Many anons have reported particpating in a stock market game, a mars mission and the cards. There is also some mention of similar things going on with John Hopkins CTY program. What is going on here??? It seems so far that this is mostly US based. We need to find out who headed all of this and what their motivation was.
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bumping with more info
>>9904027 Start by looking at the chairpersons of your state's Department of Education, watch for corporate ties back to key government contractors. I've been diving into this recently and while the psi theory has some merit, I think this goes a bit deeper than just military application.
In the other thread on /X/ I mentioned getting an injection from a yellow needle on my right index finger's knuckle, I still have a small bubble there from where it healed. Any other GATE kids have this?
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Links to archived threads last night
>>250802348 >>250791416 Anonymous
>>9904027 We, the CIA with their MKUltra program researched all kinds of thepsych, so more than likely even supernatura aspects which gets highlighted in the stargate program. Once they were able to determine some skills and how to test for them its only logical that the next step is to search for these individuals with special talents which very well could have happened with the GATE program
>>9904032 Someone mentioned this in a thread here on pol last night. not sure if this was you. said it looked like a corn cob
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>>9904034 first word should have been "well". Am no glownigger, pls dont run me over with your car.
>>9904035 Wasn't me but yes, looked like a corn cob. I think it's a 27 gauge needle used for injections into the veins in your hands. I mentioned a needle, then another anon mentioned it was yellow, and we all realized we had the same thing with the same bump even though we were states away.
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I was a clever little bastard and they gave me the headphones but I don't recall the cards. I'm glad I didn't show any psychic talent or whatever bullshit. The government cocks up whatever they can get their hands on.
>>9904038 This guy mentioned it.
>>250814058 I think ive seen one other person mention it.
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inb4 take ur meds schizo
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>>9904040 I see, well curious to see if it's another thing to add to the list. fwiw I experienced everything on that list aside from the jewish girlfriend, and have near perfect memory of my childhood except those afternoons in the GATE building
>>9904027 I played in the stock market game!!!! I have green eyes, first born, occipital bun, I was in GATE for years by don’t remeber any of it but now that you mention the stock market game I remeber that for sure
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>>9904044 My husband was also in gate. And he doesn’t remeber any of it either. Weird part is, me his wife, I’m part Jewish. But we’re both almost 100% German.
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Honestly I don't care about the deeper meaning of this anymore. I just want to be able to understand fully the prophetic dreams. It's too fucking weird feeling to go through it every couple of weeks
ITT: Browsers of 4chan come to the conclusion that they were all in the "special"/"autism classes" that they've heard people joke about but never realized it. Probably still don't realize it. When someone tells you you're special and puts you in a separate class, it isn't because you are the next Einstein, it's cause you're "herp derp forgot to wear my helmet to bed "special"". No surprise you are all on 4chan lol.
>>9904048 Yeah nothing political about the US government screening the entire nation for psychic potential
>>9904049 What's to say us being cordoned off and socially isolated, tested, and left confused didn't induce autism and that was the whole point? I mean we both are posting here.
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>>9904049 brainlet cope, maybe you'll be magical in the next life.
>>9904051 Glad you agree - now fuck off.
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>>9904054 your anger shows how small you really are
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>>9904055 they were invented in the 1930's
Nobody seems to be able to refute this point. Why would the US government have a program where they show ESP cards to kids and try to get them to guess the card? There have been plenty of anons here who can attest to this occurring. So one more time. What/Who were they looking for?
>>9904031 Why are these the exact same cards Peter Venkman uses?
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>>9904060 >Peter Venkman This is my point. In the movie they are using them to do psychic tests. This is the Zener cards purpose.
Why would the US government have a program where they show ESP cards to kids and try to get them to guess the card?
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>>9904052 >>9904058 Trips of truth my autistic brother. Check 'em :happy pepe face:
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>>9904059 Seriously bad goys.
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Posting Hemi Sync from Gateway experience ( not necessarily related to GATE, but another CIA OOB investigation.)
https://thepiratebay0.org/torrent/3755587/Hemi-Sync_-_The_Gateway_Experience_ [FLAC]_(corrected)
>>9904062 I was provided this link by a 'successful' GATEr, i.e. one of the very VERY few graduates from the program.
Some anons here might remember the thread, it was about a week ago, about a reptilian shadow government.
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I don't think I was involved in gate or anything but>sometime during first or second grade recall being put into a room by myself, there were two desks there and I took some sort of test. Nobody else in the room, door was locked. Don't remember what the test was about or really how I was put there >sometime in fourh grade get put into GT for math, nothing crazy, just taught algebra and solved a bunch of weird math problems (one was about 100 decomposing diapers put into a trash fill, each taking 2000 years to break down. The solution is simple, they'd all take 2000 years). We also did some speech stuff? I recall reading a bunch of short passages and having them recorded. I was in speech therapy for third grade, don't recall why I have green eyes and the occiptal bump
>>9904066 thanks for the link friend
Why would this get moved to bant? Last night this same thread was on the front page of pol for hours...
The name “ Russel Targ “ is relevant here.
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>>9904282 I know alot about him. But to my knowledge he wasnt involved with GATE in any way
>>9904279 The more we discuss this the more likely someone involved who wants it to go quiet notices. /bant/ is far slower, so less exposure.
>>9904295 I just want this question answered.
>>9904059 Anonymous
>>9904308 I don't have an answer, I was subjected to it just like everyone else. My best guess is that they weren't randomized but we're shown to us in complex patterns, trying to see which kids could pick up on it. Otherwise they may have just legitimately tried to determine if latent psychic abilities exist in some kids.
>>9904068 No problem. This is the MOST IMPORTANT piece of information on the GATE program. You won't find an actual transcript of it anywhere, and believe me, I tried.
>>9904320 Do you remember what they had you do with the cards? Was it teachers from you school doing the tests or outsiders?
What exactly did they ask you in relation to the cards? I know it was a long time ago, and interestingly most anons seem to have totally forgotten about the cards until they see them here
>>9904062 >>9904066 >>9904321 Also, note how quickly the thread was moved to /bant/ after I posted it. Really makes you think.
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>>9904337 I did notice that.
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>>9904333 Also my posts keep ending in 33 or 333 when I post in these threads
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>>9904279 >>9904295 Correct. 'They' absolutely do not want any publicity.
See audio link about the program here:
>>9904062 Anonymous
>>9904333 They called them teachers but I only saw them teach GATE. I remember all my other teachers in elementary school, their names and faces, but I couldn't for the life of me tell you anything about the GATE teacher. It's too hazy.
We played heads up seven up, then the teacher had us each do 1-on-1 guessing games with the cards. First they had me guess what was in their hand, then later we would pair off with another kid and do it.
>>9904059 >So one more time. What/Who were they looking for? Finding potential candidates for "Inductive Telepathy".
>>9904320 If they showed you a pattern/set of the cards beforehand and then asked you to guess the next one I would think you're right
Here is an important point you are forgetting The Zener cards are designed the way they are because it is believed the distinct shapes on each of the cards makes it easier to psychically read. that is why they use those specific symbols.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zener_cards So why would they test kids using cards specially designed for ESP?
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>>9904352 Many anons have attested to them being "psychologists" from outside the school
>>9904367 >So why would they test kids using cards specially designed for ESP? See here:
>>9904357 also called "remote viewing".
>>9904378 listening to audio now. Where did you find this? where is it from?
>>9904393 I'll drop some more info here in a bit. Please bear with me.
>>9904409 I'm back - same anon.
>>9904762 What info do you have? That audio was wild.
>>9904776 >>9904762 Had to switch VPNs, for obvious reasons.
Now for some true redpills - pic related.
>>9904784 refute this.
Why would the US government have a program where they show ESP cards to kids and try to get them to guess the card? There have been plenty of anons here who can attest to this occurring.
So one more time. What/Who were they looking for?
If they showed you a pattern/set of the cards beforehand and then asked you to guess the next one I would think you're right
Here is an important point you are forgetting The Zener cards are designed the way they are because it is believed the distinct shapes on each of the cards makes it easier to psychically read. that is why they use those specific symbols.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zener_cards So why would they test kids using cards specially designed for ESP?
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>Went to a newly built and interestingly named school in Louisville Colorado in the nineties. >Was in Tag, similar to gate. >Did online spacial math courses through John's Hopkins as far back as the AOL days (96 or 97). >Began in Tag at fireside elementary prior to attending new k-12 with interesting name. (see windowless room etc..) >participated in several associated gifted programs, including helping start av club. >Other founding member is now a DC based filmmaker. >Went across the road to centennial peaks mental hospital once a week for "occupational therapy, " wherein I was subjected to bizarre hand eye coordination testing was combined with zener cards. For a fun little game, find centennial peaks by looking for Avista hospital in Google maps, then look at the unnamed building next door. For an extra laugh, look at the name of the school across the road.
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Bump. This is SOME fucking eye-opener of a thread.
>>9904789 Military application, would be my guess. The individuals that completed the program are hired by the military, and are tasked with 'jobs' that involve remote viewing. You can only imagine what kind of 'jobs' are these.
But the thread being moved from /pol/ to /bant/ so quickly would explain one of the features of that program, quite possibly.
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>>9904780 >>9904792 The relevant thread is still in /pol/ archive, here is the link:
>>>/pol/249874303 Search/highlight anon's posts for:
You're welcome.
>>9904062 Listening to this right now. I would absolutely love to have more info on this. Jewgle search doesn't turn up anything relevant.
>>9904897 I don't know what relation to what I participated in had with remote viewing, but I would eventually wind up in the military.
Now I'm in a post grad doctoral program. That's as far as I'll go into specifics there, but it's not a particularly psychic field, nor is it very intellectual.
Ressettius [test][/chen/][k0t][house of bears]
Ressettius [test][/chen/][k0t][house of bears] ID:Ip0u1rCh Mon 30 Mar 2020 01:20:57 No. 9904952 Report >>9904027 I was part of gate yet i didnt use these stupid ass cards. I did get the many hearing tests tho
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>>9904952 My hearing tests were at a small airport in Boulder. Any field trips?
>DIA >NOAA >NCAR Anonymous
>>9904946 >>9904952 Thanks anons for the input. I'm sure that you as well as others were selected based on a variety of cognitive abilities that you possess, and that range would be pretty wide. But knowing the specifics is always nice.
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>>9904937 >Jewgle search doesn't turn up anything relevant. >specifics of a secret government program don't turn up on google Color me surprised.
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>>9905023 I suspect a great deal of larping occurs in these threads, but the dedicated few are still watching.
>>9904027 schizo alert
take the pills already gangstalking will stop then
Has anyone tried their own experiments with the cards? Maybe try to see what could be gleaned from doing some of the activities to myself.
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>>9905052 Like we did all the tests in school, but never got the results. Maybe try self-administered tests
>>9905047 >>>9904027 (OP) >schizo alert >take the pills already gangstalking will stop then Will they eventually figure out that this just draws more attention?
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>>9905056 you have to give it attention and soon it will not be able to trust itself and will kill itself so thou does not betray itself
>>9905056 That and the inadvertent bumping of the thread, kek.
So the US Military was vetting kids in American schools from the mid 80s to late 90s using various different tests; Zener Cards and hearing tests, notably. The purpose of the testing was to find children with a predisposition or mental facility for remote viewing. The military needed/needs those able to remote view to essentially spy on reptilian creatures that live under the Earth's surface. The reptiles might have been here first, that part's still up in the air. Ohio seems like a likely place to look for physical evidence. That's the summary I've gathered from last night, today, and going through the archived threads. Other things:>no established years >There were a few Finns talking about similar tests when this was still on /pol/ >Bible Code made an appearance, who meditated? >paper cups and heads up Still haven't listened to anonfile, still haven't read up on the Cult of Demeter
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>>9905065 No more (You)s for the call center shill. First one was on me.
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>>9905066 I meditated at noon today like I mentioned in the last post on yesterday's thread. Did anyone else do so at the same time?
Read up on Cult of Demeter and the Eleusinian Mysteries are interesting, I wonder if the entheogen theory is correct for whatever they did at the climax of the ritual, and if so if what they used was a dissociative or a psychedelic.
>>9905066 Wasn't around for the thread last night, but I'm skeptical about "reptilian" anything, unless it's an analogy for something less ethereal. I confronted my parents about my experience. My mom cried and said they "didn't have a lot of money. " really freaked me out. The stuff at the mental hospital was apparently known to my parents as experimental.
>>9905066 They are past remote viewing now. have been for a while. the next most recent thing after that is this
https://thepiratebay0.org/torrent/3755587/Hemi-Sync_-_The_Gateway_Experience_ [FLAC]_(corrected)
They are just trying to find ways to go out of your body like Pat Price did before he was murdered. Anyone who has this ability is too risky
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isn't this the stuff Alice uses?
>>9905087 They paid your family? Mine didn't get shit. This was VA, DC area, 2000s.
>>9905087 The reptilian thing doesnt seem to have much of a connection here. Im trying to stick to what we KNOW/can prove here in these threads. maybe reptilians exist maybe they dont but that isnt really the topic of this thread
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>>9905094 From what I gathered, TAG was not paid, the extracurricular testing was experimental, and paid for by a university research grant.
>>9905100 Yeah, but there are parts that I know to be true, which are similarly schizobait. So I'm thinking that certain things are pure gaslight, and others are co-otped for gaslight by association.
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>>9905100 For example, I encourage you to look into the k12 in Louisville Colorado. If I post it here, I am participating in the bait. I also suspect that shills index certain keywords to find threads. Associating easily found familiar words with individual topics is more likely than a grand unified conspiracy theory.
>>9905109 Whats the farthest any anons got into GATE? For my district it just ended in HS.
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>>9905128 3rd-5th grade was GATE, then 6th grade I was in "Einstein Club" (which we all called the GATE of GATE), then I moved out of state and never heard of the program in middle or high school.
>>9905128 I moved in middle school, and the program was different in my new state. But as I mentioned before, the friend who I started the av club with is now a DC area film maker. My guess is that it continued. With the info I've already given, you should be able to figure out who he is. Please no harassment btw.
>>9905140 Why would i harass anyone? I want to find out about this part of my life too.
"character is what do do in the dark"
>>9905149 That's my point. I don't think he will be answering any questions about this. I was in Eastern Europe for work (military), and I found out he was filming a documentary on the same former society country. I doubt filmmaker is his only title.
>>9905157 Ahh. Makes more sense what you meant now. Cold War or Balkan era?
>>9905100 I agree that the reptilian thing seems like a thread derailer if anything.
>>9905128 I had one last hearing test in middle school. Probably end of 6th or beginning of 7th? Set up in a trailer that came to campus.
>>9905150 glow?
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Apologies for my typos, I'm phone fagging for security. I don't have a "they, " I'm just afraid my colleagues will find out I browse 4chan.
>>9905088 >They are past remote viewing now. have been for a while. Checked.
Also, any info to back that up?
>>9905162 I was there much more recently than that, I'm in my thirties. 2014
>>9905165 >>glow? I should have attributed that quote. I had hoped it would trigger someone, but it was a long shot, plus there was a typo.
"character is what [you] do in the dark"
This was a strange thing the lady in charge of the windowless classroom said every day. Hoped it was something universal.
>>9905087 >I'm skeptical about "reptilian" anything I am as well. But I do not discount existence of sentient beings other than humans that exist in our realm, if you want to call that. We, the humans are not alone, period.
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>>9905186 Ok. I was asking more because you would've been in school in the 80s/90s when remote viewing stuff was more heavily looked into by the glowies
>>9905162 I realize now you meant regional era. I'll give you a hint, it shares a border with both.
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>>9905183 I would like to see any information on this as well.
>>9905183 At some point in time, I will post a thread compiling what knowledge I have about Stargate and psychic government programs in general.
I could write a book about it. Many have it mixed up here on 4chan. All that is talked about is remote viewing, which as I stated earlier, is old news, and has been since at least the 90's.
It actually does tie into this, and was the reason I discovered the actual name Zener Cards. Before that everyone seemed to not know what they were.
>>9905195 I had an unhealthy fear of abduction as a kid, now it's a bit of an obsession. I'm cautious to separate topics I am interested in from those I have personal experience with. I've never met an alien.
>>9905200 If I guess right will I actual get an answer?
My guesses are Romania or like Hungary maybe. Both shared borders with Yugoslavia and the USSR
>>9905203 I mentioned the zener cards in a prior thread some years ago, at that point I had not seen another post including it. I'm interested to know if anyone experienced an unorthodox use of the cards as I did.
>>9905203 Sounds good, I'll keep my eyes peeled - as I'm really interested in this topic. Any "meta" pointers I should be looking out for? This board is 99.9% junk, I'm mostly on /pol/.
>>9905206 Close, between Romania and Ukraine. I'm not trying to be overly cryptic, but I'm also not going to make it easier to index this thread.
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>>9905186 Mhm
That quote is attributed to Dwight Lyman Moody, who, among other things, founded the Northfield Schools starting way back in 1879. Northfield Mount Hermon School today. Address 1 Lamplighter Way. I'm guessing that "character is what you do in the dark" is a well known phrase around there.
Any GATEbros have the topic of boarding schools ring any bells?
>>9905214 Landlocked former SSR? And you're right, I should've thought about indexing
>>9905205 Me neither, haha. But I had some real-life experiences that defy our perception of reality.
I can elaborate if interested.
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>>9905222 Numbers don't lie, checked. Spill it.
>>9905214 I'm curious, Chisinau by chance? I used to do business there a few years ago, interesting place.
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fuck off imps go back to your shithole
>>9905221 You got it, understand the time period I was there. My work was unrelated to the programs we're discussing, but think about what a DC based "filmmaker" might be doing in the area at the time.
>>9905210 Ill always try to have the threads up on pol even if the jannies keep me quarentined here
>>9905209 years ago? I had only seen the threads posted recently and hadnt thought much of it, until I saw the cards and realized I had heard of them before in a documentary.
As far as theory goes with the cards I might as well post it here, ill try my best dont expect an essay.
The cards certainly have use although it is very limited. The main problem talked about between Joe mcmoneagle and ingo swann is that reading the cards quickly get very boring. They always say psi works best on real world targets with real word consequences. the cards could be replaced with anything. In fact i think the theory that the symbols on the cards being distinct enough for psi is total BS. Remember we're essentially dealing with 1930's tech here.
You could do the same thing with Tarot cards or a regular deck of cards/ If anyone here has experience with tarot, youll know no matter what way you draw the cards or lay them out etc, you can always get a good reading from them. In fact i have a theroy that the cards simply lay themselves out in a way that you WILL understand IE if you were going to draw the cards and have them translated through some online tarot thing they would lay themselves out in such a way that this would make sense. so yes this is very much psi in the sense that it ignores time like OOB's do.
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>>9905226 Yeah, I doubt the name of the city is a trending topic, but probably avoid the country name. I like the low shill ratio rn.
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>>9905231 So basically the zener cards are very limited. Not very useful from a psychic sense or a scientific sense, because the test has potential for manipulation.
>>9905230 Now I got the message. Incredibly interesting. Still not quite getting the filmmaker part.
>>9905186 >I should have attributed that quote. I had hoped it would trigger someone, but it was a long shot, plus there was a typo. >"character is what [you] do in the dark" >This was a strange thing the lady in charge of the windowless classroom said every day. Hoped it was something universal. interesting. are you sure about this?
Was the film set in the country in the aforementioned year? Or was it just filmed in the country by a dc based filmmaker?
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>>9905231 I will do my best to keep this explanation coherent.
>alone in room with one way mirror >one way mirror not a secret >jumping on small trampoline in center of room >ball tethered from ceiling at shoulder level >voice calls out shape >throw ball at card pinned in locations at the top of the wall near ceiling. >catch ball >continue jumping the whole time This is just one memorable exercise. There were others. Don't know if voice was recorded.
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>>9905243 Positive.
Should have mentioned I have unusually high long term recall despite documented life long short term memory deficit.
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>>9905251 I don't actually know if he made the film, at the time I was still active on social media. I do know he is rather well known for other films.
>>9905240 Spooks use cover id's that get them access, as such, it's not unusually to cultivate assets. (see Anderson Cooper)
>>9905265 What assets would be relevant there, in recent ish years?
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>>9905280 When I say asset, I mean inorganic contractor for the agency. Which is about one third of the work force. Inorganic as in, not employed by the government of the United States.
Let me propose a less esoteric purpose for GATE. Suppose you had technology that transmitted information directly to the receiver. Suppose you wanted to keep its existence a secret. Who do you test that technology on with adequate quality control?
>>9905340 I think it's less information transfer than remote viewing. Unless the subject was receptive (and clearly most people are not), that wouldn't be too helpful. The massive use and recurrence of known remote viewing related cards is telling in my opinion
>>9905349 I don't claim to know the answer. However, it follows logically that if you wanted to test a direct projection of image or sound, the best way to ensure that subjective data isn't biased by the experiment is to let them tell you what they see or hear without telling them you are projecting the image or sound.
Furthermore, subjects who are less likely to find something like this strange are young. As an added bonus, even if they figure it out, who will believe them?
>>9905362 True. It would all make sense if that were the case, but it seems like a strange way of testing. Glowies could do better.
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Zener cards would be ideal because they are available and simple. They were also used ONLY in parapsychology, thus associating any questioning with something that the majority of the world finds too mystical to be realistically pursued by serious endeavors.
>>9905364 I wouldn't be so sure, I've done quality assurance work for a lot of businesses, and some had ex-feds working for those departments. They basically just had a blunt, formulaic approach to testing - functional test everything all the time. One of the reasons I did well in that field was because I introduced far more lightweight, targeted and adaptive tests. Granted this was mostly for software and databases, but if I were to answer
>>9905340 I'd say definitely keep the tests blind, but be flexible enough to go with the unexpected. Don't aim for 100% transferrence of data, aim for 100% connectivity between minds, and assume a maximum of 80% transferrence efficiency. Then limit information to symbols capable of communicating complicated information in shorter bursts.
And yeah
>>9905362 basically this. Plausible deniability with kids.
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>>9905377 Glowies love their plausible deniability.
So tests were a cover for transmitting or receiving information through schoolchildren who were considered gifted. Potentially, remote viewing was the means of the information exchange. Children were chosen because the test administrators would have plausible deniability if questions came up. Gifted children were chosen for their predisposition for the ability to remote view. >Who was transmitting information? >Who was receiving information? >Why did the information exchange have to happen in this way?
>>9905437 My best guesses:
>Who was transmitting information? Established government or cabalic agents who either had remote viewing abilities or, more likely, had technological means to broadcast symbolic information through various mediums.
>Who was receiving information? Sleeper agents, or agents in training selected from GATE or similar programs. Either via remote viewing, conditioning, or exceptional pattern analysis/codebreaking
>Why did the information exchange have to happen in this way? At least one end of the communication wouldn't be electronic. Organic assets with the ability to communicate at a distance (possibly limitless distance) and unable to be intercepted is pretty useful.
>>9905459 None of the teachers for GATE taught any other classes at my school, fwiw. Definitely could be glowie sleepers
>>9905463 Same, they only taught GATE at my school. They either glow or they were psychologists/academics preying on students in a field they have dominated for a while. I really wish I could remember more, this bothers me so much.
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>>9905469 Now that you mention it, most made at least a passing mention of being a psychologist at some point, but they were careful not to ever say too much.
>>9905512 getting forced into /bant/ was a blessing and a curse
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>>9905519 Given /bant/ has more international folks and this is primarily a US phenomenon, doesn't surprise me if we don't get more folks chiming in. Can always try /pol/ again sometime, or the /x/ thread.
>>9905519 True. This is my 3rd id by the way.
>>9905602 I moved to the /x/ thread
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>>9905602 This is an important topic - having it moved from /pol/ definitely took some exposure off of it, but there are some quality posts in here that may or may not would have happened if it stayed there? Who knows. There are a lot of shills around, that's for sure.
And thanks for a heads up anon:
>>9905604 Anonymous
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>>9909948 Read the post retard
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Pretty sad that the only article I can find online that in any way claims GATE may be harmful is from a high school paper
https://bruinvoice.net/6372/feature/is-it-time-to-close-the-gate/ This seems to be the only active thread at the moment. Probably a few of us still refreshing to see if anything pops up, maybe we should try to keep a rolling general on some board? We've collected a lot of info already.
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please do not bump /pol/ imp threads thank you