<---- MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THAT PICTURE, notice the mess on the floor !!!
LIFE LESSON FOR YOU YOUNGER GUYS: Women are MUCH DIRTIER in the bathrooms than men are, I can say this from years of experience working in a small warehouse with women, and we only have 1 bathroom in the warehouse.
I have to keep a mini-LED flashlight in my pocket at all times, and each time a woman exits the bathroom, I have to run in there with the LED flashlight and check the condition of the bathroom, and clean it up real fast if she made a major mess. Women REFUSE to flush more than once in an office setting, since they know the sound of a double-flush means they took a dump, so women only give 1 quick flush and run away. Now, since I'm the only guy who works in this small warehouse, if there is any mess I am always concerned I will get the blame, so that is why I have taken it upon myself to rush into the bathroom immediately after any woman uses it, to clean it up.
I cannot even describe what I have seen, lime-green Jimmy Dean looking sausage turds in the toilet partially unflushed, HVFS (high velocity fecal splatter) on the underside of the bowl as well as on the ground, and all kinds of other conditions.
Now, you may ask why I use a flashlight, it's because the light in the bathroom is connected to a fan, so I cannot turn on the light as the noise of the fan will give away that someone is in the bathroom. I have to be discreet, that's why I keep a mini-flashlight on me at all times and a roll of Bounty paper towel next to my work station..... Guys, if only you knew how bad it really was....