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/ksg/ - Kekoslovakia General

ID:RXfx9fRX No.991243 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have free time on your hands? Feel like an autist? Constantly bored? Come on down and join Kekoslovakia, probably the most retarded shitposting and bad RP group since god-knows-when.
Kekoslovakia is a small group created by two autists who had too much time on their hands and decided to fuck around, creating something that's probably worse than Kekistan. Probably.

>Group site:
>Questions and Answers thread:
>Owner's profile: (slight cancer warning)
>Officer's profile: (large cancer warning)

>What do you guys even do?
Essentially shitpost and fuck around in chat. Alongside that, we have some bullshit MilRP and job thing that we do.
>Is RP taken to serious autism levels?
Nah, it's just a side thing for people who are really fucking bored.
>Why post on /bant/?
Cause it's Random, but actually breddy gud and not retarded like /b/.
>Are you literally retarded?
Maybe :^)
>Do [nationality]-anons get any downgrades or upgrades?
Everyone's the same and all that bullshit. Except for shqips, merchants and leafposters, we'll probably downgrade them just for the sake of /bant/ jokes.

tl;dr Shit meme group created for the sole reason of shitposting and verbally abusing others in chat, shit MilRP, retarded rules and bad "jobs".
Come on down, I suppose.
[we're also aware of rule 11, it's the joos' fault]