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The actual mark of the Beast

No.9928264 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

''"It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right arm or on their forehead, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark,'' '''which is the name of the beast or the number of its name''' ''...and that number is six-hundred, sixty, and six.”''

666 -> χξϛʹ (Chi Xi Stigma)

The Crossed Swords of Islam represent the state of war on earth until every person submits to Islam. (The ''“Dar al Harb”'' and the ''“Dar al Islam”'' aka the ''“House of War”'' and the ''“House of Submission”'').

To the Christians of this board, I have posted '''many more memes''' to illuminate this topic into this thread:
8kun dot top/christianmeme/res/33 dot html

I will try to post some of those same memes here in this thread, though this board is unforgiving about size.