>>9951288>You won't find a real scientist saying otherwise either.Literally every study says prayer is harmful. Are you just defective or are you deliberately trying to conflate concepts to smuggle in "prayer = good".
>muh atheists thinkerNo atheism is not a thing its just a name christians made up . A name that does not make sense.
Trust me sometimes I want to kill all the self professed atheists (cringe-theists especially) more then anyone else.
If you seriously think I'm seriously an atheists you are deeply mistaken.
I'm no more an atheists then I'm a non-astrologist the methodology of skepticism throws out all this superstitious crap including your god delusions. You can call me a atheists and I acknowledge that however its not a serious label same way every non-muslim will disagree with one another since a non-muslim can be a buddhist or christian or atheist.
And a non-buddhist can be a muslim or a christian or atheist.
The lable atheist or non-muslim or non-buddhist are not serious labels of who we are anyone who takes this label seriously is just retarded.
Atheism is not a thing. I'm just saying it to not need to write 500+ paragraphs of who I am since if i say emeroldian you don't get it.
Want to call me something? Call me what I am an emeroldian.
And according to the emeroldian world view (you haven no fucken idea what this word even means BTW) meditation is bullshit and harmful now demonstrate that its beneficial.
NO finding cringe-theists who say this crap is not an argument. And after all this was not about me its about your bullshit with prayer.
Demonstrate your shit or shut up.