>>9958501You had me until you got to handkerchief.
I refuse to believe that Podesta meant
>map related handkerchief to mean a sperm related sexual fetish when the context specifically says that one was left in the pizza shop.
A handkerchief is just that, a handkerchief. Map might mean sperm, and honestly, it makes sense in the context of the email.
But I have to believe whoever made that picture to be either someone who means well, but doesn't know how to so research, or someone trying to spread disinformation based on info that has already been linked.
It doesn't even make sense that the codeword for sperm would be "map" when all the rest of them make so much more intuitive sense.
Also, the codeword pizza ignores the fact that "CP" or "Cheese Pizza" has been a well known and established code word for quite a while now. But the pic-creator has pizza meaning girl.
This guy has it wrong, or else is a psyop.