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/DUG/ - Deep Undergrond General

No.9958725 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here's where we are currently, and the ride never ends. What is going on around the world and under our feet?

>Phil Schneider's testimony of being in a DUMB

>Map of known Deep Underground Military Bases

>Military trains troops how to fight underground

>Known US Human trafficking routes

>Celebrites acting strange all over the place, most recently Jim Breuer posts are somewhat relevant and strange. Is he trolling?

>trafficking routes coincide with DUMB locations
>military starts spending more funds into underground training
>earthquake locations coincide with DUMB locations

There's plenty of other information in the previous threads of /DUG/ or /DUMB/ that you can find on the archives.

So what is really going on? Possibly the biggest psyop of our time or a real war behind the scenes of the public with different elite factions?

>inb4 Qtard, shill, jew, kike, tranny
OP is still a faggot, but you can always goes back to shitposting in your BLACKED threads.