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No.9964664 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>riot cops dressed in black busted into my house at about 3am and put me in an unmarked van

>they said i was threat to national security due to my schizo posting and that i needed to undergo special treatment

>I was processed and given a cabin here. Looks like everyone else here posts on pol and x aswel. some infowars accounts and guys who got kicked off reddit but its mostly pol and x

>We should have known, these boards are honeypots for people who know too much. If you post here regularly expect to get your door kicked in

>The cabins are ok desu, slightly bigger than my bedroom. The food is surprisingly good, 7/10, healthier than my usual diet of tendies and hotpockets

>we are allowed to walk around and there is a cool lobby with some consoles and pool tables but the internet is firewall. most anons just roam around looking disheveled and drooling from the cool drugs they feed us.

>the only thing they want from us is to take meds. they say this will cure us from being schizos

>on major rule is no memes. if you are caught making memes you go into isolation. they say this is an essential part of treetmunt. one guy who couldnt stop meming killed himself. they opened the isolation room to find his wrists slit and pepes all over the walls in blood

>there is a room called 101. we dont now what happens there but people go in, then we hear screaming, then they come out like three hours later and they are normies. no interests, no understanding of humor, dead inside - they say these people have been ''cured''

>word is they subject you to generic shows and music until you give in. most do not last long