[16 / 11 / ?]
Friendly Reminder:
These people are responsible for the death of OC on /bant/. Frog niggers truly ruin everything they get there hands on. Reddit isn't enough for them either, they have to bring their "ep*c nazi frog eccs Dee" into everything so they can appear as "old fags"/edgy. Truly there are no worse posters on this board than frog niggers.
Friendly Reminder:
These people are responsible for the death of OC on /bant/. Frog niggers truly ruin everything they get there hands on. Reddit isn't enough for them either, they have to bring their "ep*c nazi frog eccs Dee" into everything so they can appear as "old fags"/edgy. Truly there are no worse posters on this board than frog niggers.